
Foward text messages people get...?

by  |  earlier

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I hate them.

Well I got a scary one, and I erased it immediately. I was freaked out! I didn't read it, it just had a scary picture and sound/song, but I didn't read in message part.

So now my family has this streak of bad luck well my dad...

our car broke down yesterday and we had another problem

then now my dad has lost his sunglasses someone stole them, and I had somthing bad happen to me.

Is it cuz of the message (because I didn't read it or did what it said?)? Or am I just being silly?




  1. your overeacting.

    & blaming them on this message.

    but no its not the message dont freak out okay.

  2. That's just a coincidence. I never forward those and nothing bad happens to me. besides, how could it make your life bad? A txt message? think logic, now.  

  3. thats just being silly, those messages are just stupid things people write up to scare people. Just ignore it.

  4. It's ridiculous to believe any chain letter or text message you get.

    I bet you're just freaking out.

    The bad luck is not because of the text message.

    Calm down, and I'm sure things will get worked out on their own.

  5. I'd say its a bit silly. I'm sorry that these bad things are happening to you, but its just a coincidence. Those things are never true, and I delete them the moment I get them as well. Hope you'll have better luck soon though!

  6. Chain Letters are not real. And that is deff. a chain letter. Just relax and see a forward message to everyone that knows you telling them to not send you chain messages. Its works i sent one out saying " Please donont send me(dania) chain letters". Pass this to everyone who knows me" It worked!

  7. what are you stupid? yea no your right that voodoo text message cursed you and your family cuz it can tell who you are and where you live based on your phone show me the logic its just a series of bad things happening ina row and in time it will even out when a lot of good things happen to you at teh same time

  8. its probably all in your head.

    because you think you didnt do what it told you to do,

    bad things are going to happen.

    its just a silly text message.  its not like if you dont foward it something bad will happen because you didnt foward it on your cell phone.  those are not real.

  9. Wow.  Don't be stupid.  Those forwarded text messages have no power over anyone's life.  People text them when they're bored and then more people text them to their friends cause they love to be annoying like that.  Your car broke down and your dad lost his sunglasses?  You're being a big baby. That's not even close to being bad luck.

  10. SILLY GOOSE! :P hehe i get those all the time, i might read them sometimes but i ALWAYS delete them. they are just trying to scare you and obviously working. don't blame your bad luck on the message. hehe silly goose

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