
Fox News Network ????

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It is the most racist network on tv And im sick Of them picking with Barack every time he does every little thing.They have to analzye it bring racist white republicans panels to debate on petty things the black man does .Meanwhile John mccain could commit murder and nothing would be said about it .WATCH CNN




  1. Careful, your liberal agenda is showing.

  2. That is not true (racist).  They may have panels that analyze what he says and does, but that is what their programs are.  The same way that CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and CBS pick apart every little aspect of President Bush and as soon as all of them calm down over Obama, they will start to pick apart McCain.  How is it that the conservatives have ONE channel against 5 liberal channels, but that is not pointed out?

  3. Fox News is NOT racist. I am tired of people throwing that word around. I LOVE Fox News Channel. I like to watch O'Reilly Factor, Hannity & Colmes, On the Record, Geraldo at Large. However, I do like the CNN program Glenn Beck. I love Glenn Beck!

    P.S. I am black. I am NOT a racist so I am not going to automatically vote for Obama just because he is of the same race as me.

  4. Excellent post!  Please check out

    for more Faux News insight.

  5. I think it kind of even things out since everyone else treat Barack like some kind of god.

  6. Yeah, watch CNN slobber all over themselves.  Watch them get all tingly over Obama.    NO THANK YOU!!!!!!!   I will continue to watch FOX and maybe a little NBC.  Not much, I can't stand to watch these people wet themselves over that man.  By the way analyzing what a Presidential candidate says is important.  It does not make them racist in any way.  So far the most racist people I hear and see are Obama supporters saying that anyone who does not agree with their little tin god is a racist.

  7. Oh wow, people here are actually defending Fox News? I thought its regular viewers were too simple-minded to operate a computer.

  8. I agree with you. See my question on that. It's outrageous how they twist everything that doesn't suit their bigot worldview. They twisted what Rev Wright was saying here about "different NOT being deficient". Worst journalism ever. Watch the chyron towards the end of the video:
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