
Fox news bashes Obama last night so how can they be fair and balance?

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Fox news was the only news channel not showing the convention but bashing Obama with their talking heads. Will they being doing the same when the republicans have their convention and use the time to bash McCain. I don't think so. Does any republican still believe they are fair and balance.




  1. They're not.  They just tell people they are.  The far right is just as bad as the far left.

  2. Tisker's right

  3. I watched the convention on Fox news. thanks for spinning anyway.....

  4. they're not fair and balanced...and i don't think even the most ardent FNC watcher would argue that they were.

  5. I agree with you!  I watched CNN and Fox and Fox made me SICK!!! They couldn't wait to bash Mrs. Obama and their camp. "They didn't do this...they didn't do that...." I felt the opening night should have been one that supported the families and made an entry that was cordial to the viewers.  Many of us know so little about the Obama's unless your curiosity made you follow up and research them to know what their philosophies are.  I was fortunate to start at the beginning.  I believe the use of the internet made Senator Obama a better candidate because I could read everything and anything about him. I read his book, I read and watched his interviews, I made myself get to know the family as best I could through the media and other venues.  Last night supported my positive thoughts about the family and the man who would be president.  I truly enjoyed the first night and I am hoping that the Clinton's' will do whatever they need to in order to garner the ones who are still holding out and gently pull them into the ring.  If he is to win, we need everyone on board.  

  6. Seriously... I watched a bit of Fox coverage last night too... it was shameful!!!!

    Fine... if they are a right-wing station, then fine. But to claim to be fair and balanced is just an insult to our Intelligence.

  7. The existence of Fox News naturally and logically accomplishes the goal of a fair and balanced media. After all, ignorant, uneducated people need to have SOMEWHERE (besides Y!A) to voice their ignorant, misinformed opinions.

    Fox News allows a forum for the 'tards and hicks to speak their minds and to have their views given national voice. I mean, where else can you see ignorant tools (like Hannity) or convicted criminals (like Ollie North) be given the semlance of legitimacy that they get on Fox?

  8. I watch Fox and I like it...that is why they exist...more than just me likes their country sweetie...change your channel if you don't like it...

  9. They showed the entire convention.

  10. Okay the leftist stations hold love fest and sprinkle moon dust about Obama and Fox talking heads throw out opposite opinions. Seems only fair and it balances the news out well, doesn't it?

  11. There is a difference between the talking heads and the news programs.  Talking heads offer opinions.  Do you think Keith Olberman gives news or opinions?

    Mike--Juan Williams is NOT conservative.

  12. Are you sure you were watching? I was switching between CNN and Fox and they both had their talking heads on. Fox news has been rated the most fair and balanced by liberals in a Pew report. 39% of watchers Republican, 33% Democrat and Fox has an overwhelming percentage of the cable news audience. Those stats should tell you most agree Fox is the most fair and balanced. Obama has a lot of history to be bashed. He's your guy so you better get used to the truth coming out because there is bound to be more before it's over.

  13. Some of our fellow contributors were actually Gushing about Ms. Obama's PERFORMANCE! Especially Juan Williams, and he was the FIRST one on afterwords.

    I personally thought it was cosmetic nuance and little more. These people are arrogant enough to believe that all the fluff and theatrics will help "remake" an already tarnished image. An image of the real Obamas they themselves have created by their own foolish actions, radical statements, and questionable associations!

  14. The only ones who say Fox news is fair and balanced is Fox news.

    Everyone know this.

  15. You do not say which station you were watching. The Fox channel or Fox news. The channel has both Republicans and Democrats discussing issues. The other is just straight news. Peace

  16. You are freakin' hilarious you know that? If Fox is saying negative things they are the only ones.h**l McCain can't catch a break even outside of the US.In Canada the liberal bias media are having a love fest with Barry, it is sickening.

  17. Visual media has the unintentional benefit of allowing people to see and listen for themself.

    People seem to comment according to their perception.  Both negative and positive remarks suggest the Michelle Obama casts a strong impression upon proponents and opposition.

    Political leaders are impressed with Michelle Obama.  She challenges the favorite negative stereotypes of African American women and mothers.  This creates a problem for people who favor Jim Crow views of African American women being "lazy single parent females with low self esteem and no ambition"  The entire premise of Jim Crow is to discourage and discredit any productivity be African Americans.  Detractors are out in full force.

    Fortunately Michelle Obama represents the many Mainstream American families who struggle, overcome, and thrive in spite of the structural hurdles and obstacles.  Her voice encourages African Americans to pursue expectation and visions of success.

    The global audience is observing the direct and nuance of contemporary racism in the US.

    It is foolish to parade democracy around the globe, while participating in idle scrutiny of African Americans attempting to make the pragmatic difference of the national image domestic and abroad.

  18. Well, I certainly get tired of seeing the other networks 'Obama hiney-kissing sessions'.

    I'm sorry, my leg gets no tingle up it for Obama.

    Fox is the only balance out there.

  19. No one on Fox news bashed anyone...typical of the Left to confuse Fox News with Fox opinion shows.

  20. I agree with you, however, I think it is a waste of time complaining about Fox news being unfair. Everybody knows its a pathetic news station, its almost exhausting to point it out. Its kinda like asking "does anyone still believe Michael Jackson's innocent in regard to child molestation?"

  21. They did not....Juan Williams was sucking up to Michele and he is a conservative Black Man.

  22. "fair and balanced" is just one of their empty catch phrases

    just like how neocons try to use theirs -- "conservative"

    at least cnn had their right wing commenters to critique the event as it was shown in its entirety which is much more fair and balanced than fox news did *:)

  23. Well---you must be watching a whole lot of Fox news then---I watched them extensively yesterday and last night and they were just as guilty of slobbering all over the Obama's and Kennedy's as any other station could  have----you saw just one small clip less than 15 minutes where the pundits said anything remotely considered anything other than the lavish praise they bestowed upon them the other 23 hours and 45 minutes.

  24. They say they are fair & balanced, so it has to be true, NOT.  Withe people like Hannity, O"Reilly & Ingraham, I watch FOX NEWS very little & I try to watch all of them but not the above 3, they are self rightous egotistical idiots

  25. They're not.

  26. Too funny! People here complaining about the straight talk on Fox and how they should be ashamed about saying their fair and balanced, LOL! Now CNN is saying the same thing! LOL!!!! OMG! You've GOT to be kidding. The only thing you see talking are Obama and Michelle with the mic cables going right up their azzes to where the commentators are. All they kept blathering on about is how she was so beautiful (with those horse teeth?!?!?) and how she laid all the doubters to rest. Huh? What did they expect her to say? That she loved her racist church and pastor? She loved having barbeques with future felons while discussing funnelling tax payer dollars to them? How she loved bashing whites in her "I'm just like you" Ivy League college thesis?

    C'mon, at least Fox didn't have their lips firmly attached to Obama and Michelle's azzes and had the stones to talk about it, not worship it.

  27. I'm third party and I find them as fair as the next.

    I have also seen them bash the heck out of McCain . His past endeavors have not been met well by conservatives , or Fox News.

  28. LOL FOX News is the biggest joke next to Onion News. They have "Anchorman" journalists. They will sacrifice looking or seeming intelligent for juvenile opinionated runon sentences. Can you imagine how embarrassing it is to have to say you work or worked for Fox. My immediate reaction to that would be "I'm sorry"

    Fox News remains in spite of their aggressively jealous and attacking demeanor. If it weren't for the reality shows on Fox it simply wouldn't exist.

  29. Obviously, they're just a propaganda arm of the RNC.  I doubt if they even deny that any more.

    Some Republicans probably think they're fair and balanced, but, really, if someone chooses to wallow in ignorance, there's no way to get them to think rationally.

  30. "Fox news was the only news channel not showing the convention but bashing Obama "

    That may be (and probably is) a fact.

    However, being the only one to present a different point of view does not necessarily mean they are the only one's that are not fair and balanced.  It just means that they are the only ones that present a different point of view.

    I don't need Fox News to tell me that the rest of the media is biased.  I can see that with my own eyes and hear it with my own ears.  I knew it before there was a Fox News.  It's the reason somebody thought the idea might have an audience and thereby make money.

    It's possible that Fox is also biased, but since it's obvious that the rest of the channels are also biased, then clearly there's nothing wrong with being biased.

    You need to consider the possibility that Fox might just be presenting facts that disagree with the other sources, but are facts nonetheless, which would suggest that your other sources are biased, and your reaction to the Truth might be precisely what those other sources want it to be.  

    Instead of attacking them for being different, why not see if their facts can be refuted? If they can, it shouldn't be difficult to do.

    The hard part is deciding that Truth matters more than agreeing with all your friends just to be popular.  

  31. They are owed by a man named Rupert Murdock. He is Australian & years ago we had laws that if you weren't an American Citizen you were limited to how many tv, radio stations you could own. Well, he paid a republican named Newt Gingrich for a book $12million & new made sure that the laws were changed. I do not watch Fox they are using subliminal & other methods to brain wash people. I have experience it myself. They can bash Obama all they want this man is clean, he is intelligent, he has integrity. All the people who are or want to be that way will vote for him.

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