
Foxnews brainwashes people True/False?

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Foxnews brainwashes people True/False?




  1. With lies, yes. They are the ultimate Corporate Media.

  2. True!

  3. False. But of course you'd have to actually watch the channel to understand that. News presentation and news commentary are 2 different things. Fox offers both, and it's not difficult to discern which is which.

  4. No - they're already brainwashed, or very prone to. They're already empty in head fox is just filling the empty space!

    Hidden Secrets Of Fox News:

    Fox News Whistle Blowers:

  5. I have often felt this way because it seems they try to make the news positive and upbeat. Life isn't always positive and upbeat. They are entirely too focused on trash. They did a special on Britney Spears. That's news???  

    True. I hate Fox News. It's just LCD.

  6. false. people brainwash themselves by watching too much tv and getting their information from only one source. Fox, NBC, ABC, CBS, are all guilty of incredible bias one way or another.

  7. True. And the Israeli media, as well as other mainstream Western media institutions, brainwash people too.

  8. they are SO crazy!

    i remember that news special about predators getting on pictochat on the the Nintendo DS from 300 feet away when it can only go 65!

    and about the "Playstation Pornable" puh-lease!

    if little boys have access to the internet in the first place theyre going to look at p**n. it's just the way it is.

    they need to get a life and get a real story.

    I feel bad for the parents and people who take this c**p seriously.

  9. Fox intimidates the conspiracy theory nuts like herkk here. They wouldn't be attacked if they weren't exposing the truth about liars. If they said nothing, like the liberal media, no one would be the wiser.

    These same people that attack Fox also claim that Bush orchestrated the 911 attacks, made up the story about WMD, believe in Big Foot, Crop Circles from outer space, etc., and are so predictable it is boring.

    The rest are just kids that don't know the difference between commentary and news. If it doesn't have a Hannah Montana or Britney Spears lead, they flip the channel.

    Fox is for thinkers and those seeking the truth. Most of the rest is nothing but tabloid journalism.

  10. Hey Herkk, I love your LOL. Now we all know thats reliable news information. news is just fine in my opinion.

  11. Foxnews?  Never heard of them.

  12. False.

    It's one of the few true reporting being done today.

    Too many have been indoctrinated by main stream media that carries celebrities as "news" when they came home from grade school through high school that they think they are being reported the actual news.

    It's only when they mature and get a few experiences in life do they realize that it is being spoon fed to them for their own consumption like their mommies did when they were babies.

    Once they go Fox, they will never turn back. Truth is what Fox is about and not Hype that all the other networks deliver to their naive lemmings.

    CBS, NBC, ABC is programmed on a sixth grade level and people find it hard to expand their mind when that is all they have consumed. You'll find intellectuals and college educated adults watching Fox.

    Most here on Yahoo Answers are not inclined to watch in-depth reporting as done by Fox.

    Many believe that Bill O'Reilly is a "news" program. This lack of sophistication is seen all the time when someone talks about Fox news reporting. It is as silly as getting a Chevrolet confused with a bicycle or skateboard.

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