
Fractured 5th metatarsal

by  |  earlier

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Last week i was playing netball and i ended up fracturing my 5h metatarsal, I have plaster on the back of my leg and around the area until friday until i get a full leg of plaster.

It has not been hurting at all recently, and i was wondering if it should be alrite to just remove the cast and slowly get back into normal activities (such as walking etc) its putting a real burden on me (the cast)

I am not in any pain and i was wondering if it should be ok to take the cast off and just slowly learn to walk on it again ( it doesnt hurt me to put ay pressure on the foot) yet still use crutches, and perhaps and leg support stocking.

I planned a holiday since the start of the year, and dont want to not be able to go because of having plaster on my leg :(




  1. Get some cotton balls and some adhesive tape have your

    Coach or trainer tape your foot and  for the compression

    aspect of support. Have your trainer also figure 8 wrap

    your foot for support to your ankle to eliminate roll overs.

  2. No, it would NOT be okay to take the cast off and go back to normal, unless your doctor says so.

    I broke my 5th metatarsal recently and I wore an Air Cast (I could take it off at night) for 6 weeks, and also used crutches to keep my weight off it for 4 weeks.

    You do not want to damage your bone or make it heal incorrectly.

  3. Ask your doctor.

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