
Fractured Tooth? -- happened when i got my wisdom teeth pulled..

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soooo.. i got my wisdom teeth out little under a month ago and ive been having really bad pain in the uper left part of my mouth, and they treated it for dry socket.. and it still hurt.. ive been taking vicodon for the pain for 3 weeks and amoxicillin, nothing helped.. so they took xrays again and found a fracture above my 12 yr old molar.. is surgery the only way to fix it?! helppp me




  1. If the fracture is painful then the dentin and/or pulp is likely exposed. This causes sensitivity and a breeding ground for bacteria. It will need corrected to prevent problems. Fractures that do not produce pain are usually only enamel chips which usually do not need treatment. Pain is a sign it is more than this, and treatment is usually needed.

  2. When the dentist removed your tooth he must of removed some bone in the process OR he may have fractured the root of the 2nd molar. It is common when removing wisdom teeth, that bone is removed in the process however it must have been a good size, poor thing.  If they said that you require more surgery then that is likely. You don't want to mess around with that as it is close to the sinuses and any bone loss can result in a opening in the sinus cavity. If it is a fractured root that is tough to fix. If you are not happy definately find out what went wrong and get a second opinion if need be. Good Luck.

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