
Fractured pelvis?

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long story on this one, but I'm possiably trying to rescue another horse *smacks self in head for even thinking about it*.

anyways the horse in mind, has a fractured pelvis, around 25 years old cannot be ridden, and will never be able to be ridden due to the fracture. Cannot put weight on one hind leg apparently for long periods of time. AND he is dead lame. Well the deal with him is he either finds a home or he's going to slaughter, so I'm trying desperately to either get him a home or take him myself. But my question(s)

what is the success rate for a horse with a fractured pelvis?

what will be to cost to rehab him, and can it even be done?

would it be best just to have him put down?

I'm not even for sure getting him (ha! I need to look into costs and stuff of a third horse....grrr money, way to overrated) but has any one had to deal with something like this before?




  1. My advice would be to take the money it would cost you to adopt this horse and use it to have the horse humanely euthanized.  Pelvic fractures don't heal well without immobilization, and this horse deserves to be relieved of pain.

  2. If the horse is 25 years old.has a fractured pelvis. ..cannot put weight on hind leg for long periods (which means to me cannot walk very far, thus no exercise)  dead lame geeesh...the horse deserves a break here...have it put down, if you want to do it a favour. I am sure that is all the horse wants right stop the pain.  Why put it through a road haul to your place etc.  Just put it out of its misery.

  3. Hi- Many yrs. ago I had just gotten this beautiful 2 yr. old Arab-I only had her one week, & she fractured her pelvis-Took her to 3 different vets, hoping it was the wrong answer. Unfortunately that was it. Now w/ mine being a mare, the vet's said, after she healed up, she could stand around & be a brood-mare-Never gonna be able to ride her-etc. etc.-Now since this horse you speak of is a gelding, I think putting him down is the best answer.Sadly to say-

  4. I agree 100%.  The horse should be humanely euthanized.  There are a lot of weanling to 5 year olds that are healthy and desperately need homes and food that you could rescue or they will go to slaughter even though they actually stand a chance at being someones excellent riding horse.  Best wishes!

  5. There really isn't any rehab for a broken pelvis. Some have a lot of pain some don't. The best thing to do would be to give him a couple nice days and have him put down. Sorry.

  6. I recommend you contact Texas A&M. They have a vet there that would give you excellent advice! I personnally would contact a rescue and see if they will be willing to take him and keep him healthy until the inevitable... sorry.

  7. Well, I'm kind of torn on this one.  Pelvis fractures can actually have a pretty good prognosis, given they are allowed to heal properly.  However, it depends on the severity.  If it's quite bad, the horse may have to be on stall rest for 6 months.  If it's minor (hairline) it may just be 6 weeks.  But then of course his age comes into play.  He surely wont' heal as well as a horse 15 years younger than him, no matter what the severity of the injury.  So...I dunno.  My initial inclination is to put him out of his misery, but then again if he could heal pretty well in just 6 weeks and then get to live out the rest of his life in a happy home then it seems sad to put him down.  That's a tough one.  I guess my only advice is to get some more info on the injury and go from there.  Sorry, not too helpful :(

  8. I sympathize with the impulse to adopt a needy horse, I am totally guilty myself!!  I don't think that a fracture like that will heal well, especially in such an antique horse.  If horses would do the "prop feet up in recliner" kind of rehab, then I might say differently.  I think that spending a day spoiling that horse with carrots, cookies and a loving grooming session would be the nicest thing that you could possibly do.  After spending a day giving dignity back to the old guy, put him down, and let his misery and pain slip away.  I am tearing up just thinking about it, but no horse should have to suffer.

  9. It sounds like he is in a lot of pain. The best thing for him would be to offer the owner the money they would get for the horse at auction (probably no more than $300) and take him home. Give him a few days of a great life with plenty of hay, grain and bute, and then euthanize him. You don't have to tell the owner, because obviously they don't care for the horse since it would go to slaughter otherwise. It's the kindest thing you can do for him, giving him a dignified death.

  10. If he were in good shape except for the pelvis, then maybe.  But this poor guy is old, lame, etc. - I'd put him down in a second.  He deserves it.  Spend your money on that instead of rehabbing him.
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