
Framesets vs. iFrame - Which one would work better for this situation?

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Here's the situation:

I have one domain from GoDaddy using Website Tonight. I have a second domain that is an actual full fledged site. The website tonight one is very limited on everything including only allowing 10 pages total so I want to use a frame/iframe to allow for more flexibility with what I can do. So, which of the two options (frameset/iframe) is more widely accepted across browsers and if you can think of any other reason to avoid one or the other that would be useful too. Thanks for your help!




  1. Well, both will get some level of support, but the Frame tag will not validate...

    If you are presenting a site that you get any good amount of visitors, you should probably consider not using frames at all. They are a nightmare when it comes to indexing on a search engine, accessibility, and generally keeping your website in tact.

    The iframe tag will work, but content placed in it will not be indexed through a search again, not the best solution either.

    Best solution is to migrate the site to somewhere that allows more than 10 pages.

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