
Framing for drywall!?

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I am framing my basement for drywall. I built 2x4 wooden studs 16" cent. I had to put 2x3 on the ceiling because of water pipes and wires. because i did that in my top corner (floor meets ceiling) i dont have the horizontal stud to nail to that is usually there. do i need to put a horizontal brace between every stud now to nail to or are the vertical ones good enogh support so the plaster wont crack. (I am only concerend because it is a corner and not a flat surface like when it gets joined on a wall)




  1. No.  You can span the drywall 16" or even 24" between the studs.  

    You must end the piece (4' edge) on a stud.  If two pieces are meeting there, end them in the middle of a stud.

    You can also run the drywall vertically which can save you some taping.  Just make sure the vertical edges meet on a stud so they can be nailed or screwed down.

  2. ok choose a nice one

  3. Dude you dont have to put nailers in hang the ceiling first use

    screws not nails when you hang the walls make sure you are tight against the ceiling remember to use glue (pl200) on every other stud if you are going to tape it your self use paper tape not fiberglass tape...   Pete

  4. Normally you will have a nailing surface on the wall or ceiling at a corner, not both. As long as you have studs at 16" and use joint tape at this joint you should be fine. In my opinion this is why they invented crown molding
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