
France. I need info about France thanks..?

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Heey, I really need help for my homework so anyone who knows anything about France or has been or lives there please help.

1. Firstly is THE in french La? Or was it Le ?

2. Whats France like? Climate, landscape, people...

3. Best things about France

4. Best PLACES in France.





  1. 1. both, depends on the word, there is also Les

    2. It's getting hot in the south right now. Don't go to Paris, it's overrated and people are rude and aggressive.

    3. Provence

    4. Provence

  2. 1. Le= masculin La= feminin

    2. Climate wise you find anything fm snow covered mountains to sandy beaches. People might be as different as their region.

    3. It's beauty, food/wine,culture

    4. It depends what you're looking for

  3. 1.  I think the others answered this: le/la/les

    2.  I find the climate to be a lot like the U.S., actually: temperate overall, can be rainy and foggy in the north and hot and dry in the south. Landscape: can look like Ireland or England around Normandy (a coincidence that the beach scenes in Saving Private Ryan were filmed in Ireland? I think not!), expanses of farmland in the middle of the country, great skiing in the Alps, and lovely beaches on the Atlantic and Mediterranean. And don't forget the palm trees in Cannes. People: contrary to what EVERYONE says, I think the people are great! I find them friendly and sociable.

    3.  The food, yum. Especially crepes, fresh baguettes and the crazy yogurt aisles in the supermarket. Being around so much cool history is great too.

    4.  Paris Paris Paris--it lives up to the hype. Also, Provence, Mont St. Michel and Strasbourg are lovely.

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