
France: Le Pen the only one who can turn France a country for the French!?

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Don't you think so? What do the French people (not immigrants!) think?

The Frnech national team is full of black people. Isn't it time to protect the French people from invasion and loss of identity?

Sarkozy is pro-Jewish and right

Le Pen is pro-French and far him

All Europe would celebrate Le Pen's victory




  1. Before talking about French's elections you should first learn more about it.

    Le Pen is just a racist even though he wants to deny it, he said the gaz chambers in WWII were nothing. Go tell this to the millions of Jewish people who were exterminated. He physically assaluted a French political woman in the street in front of cameras because she didn't agree with him. And you want such a man for us ? No way

    And for the French foot-ball team. Yes there are blacks. Where to they come from ? From some of the French Island : Martinique, Goudeloupe, Réunion. And I'm proud they are here.

  2. Your kidding right???!?? Tes pas vrement serieu??

    Everyone knows Sarkozy is not the man for the job....but do you really think that Le Pen is?He's faaaaaaaaaaar right....but I guess he's the right man to represent someone like you.....are you like white extreemist or something?

    You're intitled to your opinion and vote....but god save your sole buddy...

    Bonne chance :-)

  3. Le Pen is the only one who can turn France into a country for the Germans...of the 1936 goose stepping variety.

    Le Pen's new French national motto will be "liberté? égalité? absurdité!"

  4. You must be kidding !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I hope they vote for somebody that is good for them and gives France the Umpf it needs,

  6. I'm not sure if you believe any of what you're saying, or if you're just gratuitously baiting and provoking people. Either way, my immediate reaction couldn't be posted here without being censored. Le Pen will probably not even make it to the second round this time, and like most people I'm relieved.

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