
France TGV train tickets?

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I'm going to France ( Charles de Gaulle airport (Roissy)). From Roissy I must go to Rennes and from Rennes to St Malo.

My fast TGV trains are theese:

Roissy - Rennes

18:24 - 21:25

Rennes - St Malo

21:26 - 22:10

I was said that I will need to change the train. But how can I do that if I'll have only 1 minute? Is it physically possible to change the train per 1 minute?Or maybe there is a kind of system how to change the trains in France?Maybe I won't need to go off the train?

I'm really looking forward to your answers.Thnx in advance.




  1. The second train is later in fact: i found 21:50-22:41

    So don't worry to change the train

  2. No worries.

    It will be the same train.

    It stops in Rennes to disembark passengers, and embark Rennais (people from Rennes) who are going to St Malo.

    Freewheeling all the way.

    Have fun!

  3. I looked it up on the SNCF site, you seem to have the wrong time for the second leg of the journey,

    I found :

    Roissy - Rennes - TGV 18:24 - 21:25

    Rennes - St Malo - TER 21.50 - 22.41

    I didn't find any Rennes/St Malo train leaving at 21:26 (previous one is 20.58-21.47), you might have the wrong time. It doesn't really matter with the TER as you can seat anywhere on this regional train.

    So either you have the wrong time, or you travel after a change of timetable by the SNCF. Can you give the date of your trip?

    On the 6th July you have indeed only one minute to change train. Usually in that case the train seats right beside yours, you go down yours, step across and climb in the other train. If yours is late the regional train is usually held until yours arrive. Have a nice trip.

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