
France has just banned TV aimed at children under 3, should we do the same?

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It seems they are particularly worried about 2 new channels marketed at babies and toddlers - would you let your baby watch it, or do you agree with the French?




  1. Babies shouldn't be watching TV and I don't think any TV should be aimed at children whatever their age.

  2. If I was throwing my TV, I wouldn't aim it a 3yr old either.

  3. Do you remember the telly tubbies, I thought that was one of the worst programmes for under 3's, some childrens speech was awful from listening to those idiots...

    But, some shows can be quite educational if you monitor what ur children are watching.....

  4. No-one can possibly feel that a child dumped in front of a t.v for hours on end is right.

    What alarms me about this kind of thing it takes away parental choice and responsibility.As a parent it is YOUR job to decide what your child watches and for how long. Making these kind of decisions will eventually lead to some parents feeling non-autonomous and leads to an abdication of responsibility.

    My other big gripe about these kind of 'findings' and 'reports' as to things that effect children they can make some parents feel they are doing a grand job by adhering to all these new fangled rules and regs. No telly. No crisps. Organic everything. Baby Mozart. Kumon maths. French at nurseries blah blah blah.They are usually the same people as the ones writing these reports who don't actually spend ANY time with their kids AT ALL. But doing all this guff makes them feel they do....

    I doubt very much any of them have rolled around the floor tickling their kids .

  5. I agree with the french.

  6. Aright whoever dropped the thumb is the one that signs the those stupid ballots in front of WALMART...  Good job, since you can't control your own lives, try to control someone elses!!!


  7. There's too much interference in family life as it is. If we go down that road, what's to stop the "powers that be" banning other simple pleasures?

  8. yes we should. babies should not be watching tv.

    good for the french.

  9. Starting kids off with tv instead of other activities is not the best thing to do... But, I do think that everyone who has the responsibility to take care of their child, should regulate what their toddler does and watches.

  10. No. I let my son watch certain shows when he was just a baby. He already knows how to count to 100 his whole alphabet and how to spell his name. I think some tv is truly educational.  

  11. TV is a part of most people's everyday life, and in moderation, it can teach young children things, and social skills. I don't believe in getting rid of programms aimed for younger children, as parents are still going to let their children watch the tv, no matter what is on, so at least it will be something possibly educational at least.

    I think that there should be something on the tv for maybe an hour a day or something for very young children, but having channels totally devoted to children is going a little too far.  

  12. thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard in my life.

    *if they watched tv before, then their parents are going to let them keep watching it, except now they are going to watch something inappropriate for their age.

  13. Yes, my 17 month old watches some TV, he's not thick at all!! Most of the time he's at nursery and they don't have TV there, but when he's home I let him watch half an hour here and there.

    My little one is 4 months, and he loves watching the colours on things like the simpsons. Is that damaging him? No, it's totally ridiculous.

  14. I monitor what my children watch, it's not the government's job.

  15. Why would a parent sit a child under 3 in front of a tv?

  16. I don't know. It seems a bit extreme. It might hurt some children. I am for parents being parents and teaching their kids. Why can't the parent teach the kid to count to 100 or say the alphabet or spell his or her name or to learn about science or math?  Our nation's priorities are completely messed up.  

  17. I don't think it should be banned. I don't like the idea of things being "banned." Instead, I think parents should take care of their children and make sure that they are not getting overexposure to media and advertising, and maybe play with their kids instead of plopping them in front of the television for entertainment.

  18. I think they make a valid point and I agree, as nothing can replace the loving guidance children need from their parents but some will do anything for an easy life, regardless of the consequences.

  19. well i don't think there is too much wrong with letting little ones watch a bit of t.v. ..some of the stuff on cbeebies is great (!!!) and educational, no of course they shouldn't watch t.v all day long, but like kat says 30 mins here and there..why is that a problem? daughter LOVES her disney films ..she is 3, i introduced them because we where taking her to disneyland and we wanted her to know the characters ...and yep she adores them ..

    hands up ...who remembers watching bagpuss? or Mr Ben? (or am i showing my age? lol!!) i used to love watching them...  

  20. i work with under 3s and i think that telly in moderation can be good and educational - what i would like to see banned is adverts aimed at children of all ages, especially in the run-up to christmas

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