
France is culturally more northern european or southern european?

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France is culturally more northern european or southern european?




  1. The question is difficult to answer.

    Modern France is quite recent. It is a combination of individual states over the last 900 years. Areas were controlled by Vikings (Normandy), Morrocans (Languedoc), Germans and English. Previously much of todays France was a colony of Italy.

    Therefore, each part of France has a culture reflecting its history.

    Certainly Belgium has a more latin feel than North France. However, the presence of Paella, tapas and bullfighting in Languedoc is very Spanish.

    So, the answer is :

    There is no overwhelming common culture - It depends where  in France you are !

    Brief history of France :


  2. France is really in its own category, It is very far from medditeranean culture even in the south coast it is not the same as spain or italy, and architechally throughout the whole country bears little similarity to its german or medditteranean neighbors.

    Except in its cities. Which are essentially entirely northern european in the modern building but characteristically french in older structures.

  3. culturally, france is extremely more in the middle...

    you can't say south or north

    in the north of the france, it's more northern cultural, and in the south, more southern. logical.

    every countries have their own cultural particularities, so france is culturally more french. I can't say you anything else...

  4. both, that's france

  5. Neither.  France has its own distinctive culture and many subcultures within its borders.

  6. I definitely refuse to answer such a question -

    Northern Europe is  North Cape and southern Europe is Greece somewhere Makedonia -

    France is France and this question is very explosive under very smooth formulation -

    Our enemies hate us and want us to be latin monkeys at any price -

    Our friends acknowledge that we are a country of synthesis, and among the best educated ones, which are not a majority, people know how long & tricky our history was until today, with a territory such as you can see on maps -

    So I am sorry, but feeling myself very comfortable about my fate, having REALLY no reason to envy, hate, or make any dissection of anybody, because  latin, eskimo or bantoo, France is a priviledged country, this will be the end of my reply.

    France is France - beware of counterfeited people -

  7. Both and even more...

    Close to german border, the culture is a bit similar than in Germany, close to Italian border, a bit like Italy, spain border a bit like spain... but never totally the same.

    And for inner regions, it's specific...

    Finally, i agree when people say this is neither northern nor southern, just French.

  8. nothern european

    or middle europe

    we are mix of germanic and celts tribes

    - our history is link with the german and english one

    ex: france and england have  a link history

    german and france was one country under charlemagne and the frankish empire( a northern empire)

    we dont have a lot of link with italy and spanish ,just the language and some sharing architectur with italy

    no , france wasnt a roman's colony, gauls was it

    cause france didnt exited.

    france was born under the frankish (germanic) empire.

    so , the capital is in the north

    the republic too

    all great thing of france are in the north , all history

    and royal things are in the north.

    in the south people speak some french dialect , but most  of their tradition are celts(gauls)

    in the north people are more germanic like in paris or lorraine , moiselle , loire , alsace,normandy

    and in the west like britannny region they are very very celts , birtanny is consider like a celtic nation .

    yes, france is culturally more nothern european

    if you look at the castle , they are the same as in germany or  england

    achitectur ect

    french are more close to german than italian

    and physically too

    french people are varied , blond and brown  ect .. .

    french language is a romance language

    but have also a strong influence by germanic and celtic language native of the land.

    but in the northern its more northern

    and in the south it's more southern

    france is in the middle

    cause the country is very large

    and have  south(mediterannee sea) and north(north sea,channel , atlantic ocean)


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