
France or USA?

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Where would you rather live and why?




  1. I gave serious consideration to moving to France about 12 years ago when I was deciding about my reitrement.

    Anyone who has read my many answers here knows that I adore Paris. At that point, the dollar was strong against the Euro, I had a truckload of money after selling out at close to the top of the tech boom and could live anywhere I wanted to.

    I chose to move to rural Texas, a place with zero culture and filled with ignorant rednecks with whom I have nothing in common.

    But, the fact is that here in Texas I pay no state or local income taxes. The sales tax is a pittance compared to France where its 19.5% on many items. Even with the recent run up in gas prices, gasoline is almost twice as expensive in France. Even then (with a stronger dollar) the price of a nice two bedrom apartment in St. Germain was enough to buy a ranch in Texas.

    More importantly, I have serious concerns about the long term prospects of any country in Western Europe.  The large and intractable Muslim populations, the lack of sufficient natural resources to sustain the industrial base, and the difficulty of sustaining a relatively generous social welfare system all loom large. While I hope they will overcome these difficulties I fear they may not.

    The United States, despite its many problems, still has the advantage of sheer size and an abundance of natural resources. If the USA were to shut down its borders, end all foreign trade and retreat into total economic and political isolationism it could still function. There is literally nothing, not even petroleum, that it cannot produce on its own. After a few years of economic chaos it might well be better off.

    Few other nations could do the same and none of them are in Western Europe.France, for example, not only has no petroleum, it doesn't even have significant coal deposits. Without global trade the French would soon be heating their homes with wood. (France does have uranium reserves of around 200,000 metric tons but these are poor quality and France currently imports almost all its uranium ore).

    Further, the American political system has a better track record of poitical stability. In the time since the United States acheived independance from the British crown it quickly evolved from the Continental Congress to the Articles of Confenderation into the form which it has today. The American Civil War was the only real threat to the form of government.

    It that same period France has had an absolute monarchy, a constitutional monarchy, the National Convention, the Directorate, the Consulate, the first Empire, the Restored Bourbon monarchy, the Napoleonic Restoration, the second Resoration of the Bourbons, the July Monarchy, The Second Republic, the Second Empire, The Third Republic, Vichy, The Provisional Government of the French Republic, The Fourth Republic, and finally the Fifth Republic in 1958.

  2. A choice between arrogant arrogance and ignorant arrogance.  Tough call.

    The cheese is better in France.

  3. France, elegant, sophisticated, posh, refined, only some of the words to descrive it. Plus the culture, the food, the wealth, the fashion, good healthcare system. Only problems are the immigration and the fact that condos in Paris are in the millions. It is a major slap in the face for your wallet.

  4. France

    because i love the language

    the health system is fantastic compared to ths USA

    it's closer to ireland,where i'm from so i could visit my family more often then when if i was in america

    the culture

    the food

    les femmes ;)

    the beaches in the south

    the pretty little villages

    the lovely cities

    the proximity to other great countries like italy,spain etc.

    god i could go on and on

  5. I would consider to continue living here in France. At least I don't have to worry about getting shot for no reason and I don't have to carry a gun to protect myself (but don't worry. Things are slowly changing here in Europe to accommodate these American standards).

  6. don't be so bad with Sam^^ agree w/ her! the USA look better. And I'm French. Because France is not only cheese, frogs, Paris and Women! There are good points and bad points everywhere!^^

  7. France

  8. I'm part French so I really like France for several reasons but I would rather live in the USA,it has always been my favourite country..I love the diversity and the huge cities and I like the people better there too.

  9. I live in France and I dont want to move to the US so I say here.I have been to the US and New York City is amazing,most people in other parts of the US are very friendly.I dont think it would be bad to live in the US,I just dont have a reason to.

  10. I don't think there's much of a decision there. France for sure.

  11. I would chose France! France has many beutifull places to go and you are in Europe!!! You can easily go anywhere in Europe ! France has great food! Pretty much all over Europe there is great food. They have beutifull art. And scince France is older than USA it is much more intersting because you have older places and older families etc. France all the way! :)

  12. Both. If I could I would share my life between San Francisco and Paris. 6 months in one, 6 months in the other.

  13. -In France we have 5 to 6 weeks holidays per year.

    - one of the Best care system in the world.

    - one of the best unemployed & retirement protection policy.

    - one of the best food and drink (wine) in the world to

    The only problem is that we have Sarkosy ruling the country...well only for 5 yrs I I think I rather choose to stay in France.
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