
Frank's Box on Paranormal State?

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I was watching Paranormal State the other day and they brought in a guy who was using a device called "Frank's Box"...apparently this device collects all types of noise and is easier to hear paranormal activity. Anyone have anymore info on this device?




  1. Yeah, I think it's garbage too as is a device called a K meter.

  2. If you type in Frank's Box into your web search bar, a few sites will pop up.

    I watched one video of a man demonstrating his device to a room full of people.

    The people were chatting amongst themselves, laughing, and going about their own business as the man was trying to talk about his device.

    So he's thinking he's hearing voices from the dead.

    But how can he when the audience are the ones doing all the talking?

    Make your own judgment, but I think the thing is bogus.

  3. Yes I have checked it out and it is bull c**p.  You can do the same thing by taking a old dial radio and just turning the channel dial back and forth. Every time you hear a word stop for a second then turn to the next station, repeat.  It's like the 10,000 monkeys typing, sooner or latter you'll get something that is readable.

  4. I don't think it works either ...but I think it's a great idea. Reminds me of the movie "Frequency"..only his was a ham radio. I googled information on it and watched a video on there. I couldn't really understand what was happening on the other end..if anything. What got me was that (if it was really happening) the audience didn't seem all that excited about it (if they really believed it). Maybe they'll keep working on it and pick up in sounds what some of us have "heard" in  "silent" voices. At times they were loud enough that I was sure others heard them too. Yes, I know this sounds "mental".That's because others can't comprehend it if it hasn't happened to them. I can't say it's a good thing..I don't know. I just know it happened. It hasn't happened in years now. I think if it was "mental" it would still be happening.And yes, I miss it. But I didn't have anyone to guide me so I didn't know how to handle it. This section has helped me understand a lot about it. Wish I'd had it during those times to help me.

  5. Yes, I saw that episode of Paranormal State and figured out that's what they are using. "Frank's Box" is basically an AM radio receiver mixed in with a white noise generator, which you can see from the circuit schematic (read the article on Frank's box at the link below). That's pretty much it. The scrambled output contains bits and pieces of radio transmissions amid static, so one can listen and often hear words being broadcast here or there and attribute them to ghosts. It's ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as that psychic they have with them on PS.

  6. The links below contain actual information on the device.


  7. It looked more like a cb radio to me.  I honestly think it was

    bs.  If something like that was real, the Ghost hunters would have one also.  But I honestly think it was a cb.

    Paranormal state is becomming to much like a soap opera.

    They really need to get serious.

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