
Frantic feeding for 1 month old?

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My 1 month old daughter gets really frantic at the end of her feedings. She is fine throughout except for the last ounce or so then she flails her arms and wriggles franticly. I tried stopping the feeding, but she always wants more. I burp her atleast 2-3 times during her feedings, so I know that's not it. I have had her on the same formula since she was 3 days old. (Note to you hard core breast people, my medications caused my breastmilk to never fully come in and dry up after a week and a half. I gave her what I could.) What could be causing this?




  1. My daughter is now four months old and she is breastfed.  She starts flailing about and slapping me silly.  At first I thought she wasn't getting anything but I've noticed that this craziness generally supersedes gas.  Once she toots everything is back to normal.  She might be having some tummy issues... perhaps her belly is actually full less the last ounce?  I know my daughter will sometimes drink so fast that she's actually full but keeps on going... needless to say, she has some spit up episodes shortly after.  I don't think it would be the formula itself based on what you've written... unless she's displaying other signs as well, constant spit up... constipation etc...  Could it be something with the bottles you are using?  Too much air in the last ounce?

  2. have you tried upping the ounces that you are giving her? she may still be hungry.

  3. my son eats just like that, he eats like mad and then flails back and then eats like crazy again. it's vweird but they get better

  4. I know you say have burped her, but my LO does the same thing and it is always with the last oz and she always has a burp. I might have to work really hard for it, but it's there. I burp her after every oz. she has reflux and nds it.  

  5. sounds like she is either still hungry or gassy...maybe try some Mylican before her feeding, that is what my pediatrician suggested to me for my baby.

  6. it is hard to say. maybe she knows the feeding is ending, try adding one more ounce, it doesnt hurt to try. or it could be hurting her tummy and giving gas or cramps because she is so young. my son did that he is 5 months now and only does it on rare occasion now, still dont know the cause. if it does worry you, call the doc and i bet a nurse would be happy to return your call and if it seems serious enough she will recommend that you make an appointment. hope i helped

  7. She could either be experiencing a growth spurt or she wants a faster-flowing nipple for her bottle.  Try switching to the next faster nipple.  You can also try poking a hole in the nipple.  If she seems to choke on the formula or dribbes a ton, go back to the old ones - don't worry, you'll move up to the faster one eventually.

    There could also be a chance she's not getting all the air out.  Make sure you are not allowing excess air down into the nipple while she is sucking.  You can try adding a few simethcone drops to the bottle as well (Mylicon).  These will cause a lot of the air to just work itself out before she drinks it.

    If it's a growth spurt, she'll get through it.  My son would fuss during his feedings for a little while, but he got through it and is fine now.  

    Is she spitting up?  If so, she could also be experiencing GERD or reflux - things to talk to your doc about.  She may also have reflux without these symptoms.  Fussiness during a feeding is a common sign.  Try putting her upright against your chest for a few minutes to see if this helps.

    And don't worry about your breast milk - mine never came in either.  It's nothing to be ashamed of!

  8. Babies this young have a built in need to suck. She may just be telling you she's full. I know she may act like she wants more but that may just be her wanting to suck on something. I know that's my son did. So, now I just give him a paci after I feed him. He usually sucks on it for another couple of minutes and then spits it out.

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