
Freak dancing???????

by Guest66876  |  earlier

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so heres the situation:

im a transfer student from a tiny teeny all girls school to a normal public high school. last night, i went to the first dance of the year with my only friend at the school, nicole. we're both sophomores.

i actually had a really fun time dancing with nicole and her group of friends (who i really don't know) and all of a sudden, a guy has his hands on me from behind and we're freaking! first time of my life, lemme add.

so i guess its pretty normal to have freaking at a high school dance, but i was so lost and had no idea what to do! it felt nice though ;D he was super muscular and tall, but i don't know what he looks like. so what do i do if there's a next time?!




  1. Back It Up And Grind


  2. first of all not just anyone is allowed to get their freak on miss! you dont just let any guy handle you that way,  you turn around and say uh excuuuuuuuze me if you wanna dance with us its okay, but I dont just let anyone bump and grind so back it up brutha

  3. you bend over and shake it like a salt shaker

  4. What ever happened to normal dancing?!? Are all high schoolers really THAT horny that they must dry hump each other in front of everyone? respect for themselves
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