
Freak in child filled neighborhood?

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There's this man who's constantly riding his bike up and down a hill where all these kids live and always trying to talk to the kids. Nobody knows who he is because he's constantly wearing a hat that covers his face. He's always trying to talk to my little brother and he did so today and he seemed very drunk. This is scaring me now because everytime we see him he gets closer to my house and my dog gets more anxious and barks loudly outside trying to scare him away. He did this over our Spring Break and was screaming and riding his bike up and down the hill. I don't know where he lives so we can't have someone check on him. What can we do? He doesn't seem safe and now because of him I can't go to the park because my mom doesn't trust the neighborhood.




  1. Tell your parents to call the police just to patrol around the neighborhood often.  The police are usually willing just to patrol through once or twice a day.  Maybe this will deter the man from hanging out in your neighborhood.  And just stay away from that guy, he sounds like a weirdo.

  2. Based on the observations as a whole, I would report him to the police when he is seen.  It doesn't matter who calls, if you feel he's too interested in the children, if his presence is a nuisance or if he's drunk, the cops should come by.  

    Not everyone wants to involve the cops.  If that's you, then get a few older kids or adults to start hanging outside with the kids.  He'll definitely go away if he sees more adults since he loves the children and evidently has some sort of mental problem.  But if they go away, he'll come back.

    Also you need to be aware for your own sake of ex-convicts who live in your neighborhood.  Check out the site below.  You better believe I looked at the registry before I moved and I know where they live in my neighborhood.

  3. okay well it is perfectly normal for you to be worried, you should be. but even  though you don't want to remain locked up inside you have too realize that until your mother or father calls the police to check this man out(he is on private property and he is harrassing you) You are in danger you r mother loves you and is trying to take care of you the best way she knows how

  4. ask your parents to try to get a picture of this guy. get a detailed description of him and his bike. note the times he comes, how long he stays and who he tries to talk to. call the police asap. if he's on a bike, that means he has to travel quite a bit to get from his neighborhood to yours. this in itself is suspicious. your brother should never be alone outside even if you are not expecting the stranger to show up.

  5. He could be a child molester or something. I would tell your parents now. I think it would best to tell your parents. They would need to call the police and report it. And hoping they know who he is and get check out. Tell your parents now.

  6. Have your parents approach the guy and talk to him.

    Also have them talk to the police.  They will know if there are any registered s*x offenders living nearby.  They may even already know who this guy is and are waiting for someone to call them up and make a complaint.

    Also talk to your brother and find out what the guy wanted to talk about.

  7. You have to be aware that some people who appear drunk simply have a disease like Parkinson's Disease.

    If you are worried, then call the police and let them sort it out.

    Good luck!

  8. Next time you see him, call the police right away.

  9. That does sound very bizarre, and quite possibly dangerous. You should tell your parents first, and then the best thing to do would be to call the police. If he really is dangerous, they'll know how to handle him. When you call, make sure to emphasize that you feel intimidated and threatened by this man's demeanor and strange behavior. Are you a minor? If so, tell them that; they should take your concerns very seriously. Good luck with this; it sounds very frightening.

  10. Tell your parents about it and they can call the police and they will patrol the neighborhood.

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