
Freaked out that I might have bed bugs! HELP!?

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I am so freaked out that I may have bed bugs! On Aug. 3-7 I was in Chicago and stayed in a fairly decent hotel. However, the last night that I was there I woke up to something tickling my was a bug! I was tired and didn't really look at it that much before I killed it but if I remember correctly it was little, brown, and oval. So about a week after I got back I noticed my arms were pretty bit up...almost 40 bites! I haven't been outside that much...but I do get bit up easily...mosquitos love it could be that...I was walking around outside on Saturday for a few hours. The bites kind of look like mosquito bites...start out small and grow...but are more red like chigger bites. I have not seen any bugs in my bed...and I have been checking with a flashlight at night. I have washed my sheets already. Does anyone know if it may be bed bugs? Can an exterminator or anyone tell without seeing the bugs? But I guess if the bites go away and I do not get anymore...I should be in the clear. I know I am probably over reacting but I am freaked out. Wouldn't I have been bitten in the hotel, if thats where they came from? THe bites wouldnt just show up a week later. Anyway thanks so much!!!




  1. Ok, not everyone has bedbugs. Look at the seem on your mattress they will be there. they look like ticks and are usually brownish red. If you have 30 to 40 bites it is more than likely bed bugs. They are horrific to get rid of. You will need to remove all of your belongings from the dresser and bag everything. I have even had the exterminator have to drill holes every 16 inches in the wall to be able to spray. Washing your sheets is only going to help a little they are more than likely in your mattress and in crevices around your room. Bedbugs find you by searching out carbon dioxide that your body emits naturally. the bites will be on places that are not covered by clothing when you sleep (watch out if you sleep au natural!)

    Call an exterminator it's better to be safe than sorry. good luck!

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  4. it  prob. wa sda hotel dat happened 2 me in a hotel 2 but dey appeared almost 2 weeks lata

  5. I'd just bug bomb the house to be safe.

    Kill all the little boogers.


  6. I think everyone has bed bugs. And you wouldnt be able to see them, they are reallyyyyy tiny. So it could possibly something else. Try bombing your house or something. And make sure to change your sheets. :)

  7. Kten48,

    If the bugs hitched a ride with you from the hotel, it may have taken thema  week or two to get established at your place - reaction time to the bites is dependent on your level of allergy to them.

    If bedbugs, they are difficult to get rid of, especially with them becoming more resistent to the chemcials that are typically used by exterminators.  many people ar choosing to help the extermiantor by also getting some chemical free spray and applying it as well.  The one I see mentioned most is called BugBug Terminator by Kleen-Free.

    This works to kill the bugs on contact so you need to spray it into cracks etc and use it everyday.  (It also kills mosquitos on contact.!)

    Good luck.  

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