
Freaking Freshman

by Guest33304  |  earlier

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I'm going to be a freshman this fall and im terrified! I'm really scared about finding the classes since i dont know the school at all, HELP what should i do?




  1. you'll be fine. i was a freshman last year, and it's definately not as bad as it's cracked up to be. you'll find your classes, even if it takes a little while, and the school will become less like a maze, and more like home after a while. Can you take a tour of the school before it starts? that way you can make a plan for getting to all your classes on time, maybe bring a friend so you could make time to visit one another between classes.

  2. My son's high school had a freshman orientation. Check to see if your school has one. There were upper classmen there that gave the freshman a tour of the school, and basically told them where everything was. My son's high school is one of the larger high schools in Miami (approx. 2500 students) so I don't know if all schools do this or just larger ones.

  3. Most people go through this, so don't worry at all--chances are most of your classmates will be scared too. If you're that worried, call your friends up from middle school and meet somewhere so you don't have to walk alone too much. I'm a senior now, and I'll tell you honestly first day of school jitters are the least of your worries for high school--worry about the actual classes more than what your peers think of you. Most of my friends keep talking about how the past 3 years have literally flown by, so just remember to have fun and live in the moment. You probably will never have the same chances ever again. Also, about not knowing the school, teachers (especially freshmen teachers) know that people are going to get lost especially if your school is big, so relax. Just get a good night's rest and a great breakfast. Get there early and find your friends and just have fun!

    Hope this helps.

  4. That blows.
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