
Freaking out!!! Had a nose job and then found out I'm pregnant??? Anesthesia risk?

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On july 1 I had a 15 min nose job or non-surgical nose job. They applied local anesthesia in three parts of my nose. I had no idea I was pregnant. I am now 9 weeks 4 days and I forgot to ask my dr. about that. My mom just reminded me. What are the risks? Also, I had my period on June 16-18, how can I be 9 weeks?? That's what the dr. told me and I did an ultra sound but... doesn't conception happen around 2 weeks after the period?? 9 weeks 4 days ago is June 16. I just don't get it and didn't ask because I didn't mind but now I do because I realize I was pregnant when I had that nose job.




  1. I had a plastic surgery procedure that required both local and general anesthesia, then found out I was a few weeks pregnant. I'm 22 weeks now and the baby appears to be totally normal and healthy.

    If your last period was June 16th, conception happened around June 30th. Doctors count the weeks of pregnancy starting the first day of your last period, which is why the extra two weeks are added.

    Not to sound like a health class teacher...;)...

    Conception is when the egg and sperm meet. After that happens, the fertilized egg travels down the fallopian tube and attaches to the lining of the uterus. It takes about 10 days for the egg to reach the lining. The embryo does not share your blood supply until this it wouldn't have been exposed to the anesthesia on July 1st.

    Even so, I'm almost certain that local anesthesia is not completely absorbed into your system.

    I wouldn't worry about it, but do tell your OB just in case.

  2. If it was just a local anesthetic I wouldnt worry too much.

    I would mention it to my ob just to alleviate any worries though.

  3. They use anesthetics in pregnancy... your baby is fine.  

  4. Its highly likely that there was no adverse reactions to the baby.  The chances of there being a problem because of the local anesthesia is practically nonexistent.  Not that early in your pregnancy.

    Yes, you are 9 weeks.  Pregnancy is measured from the first day of your last period.  Hence the reason why the first date counted was June 16th.  Although conception didn't actually occur until around day 14 or so, they still start your 40 weeks from the first day of your last period.  Confusing and doesn't make sense, but that's the way it works.

  5. Local anesthesia does not affect your pregnancy at all.  Don't worry about it.

  6. conception does not always happen 2 weeks after a period.  It depends on when you ovulate.  and it looks like YOU ovulated right after you last period.

  7. I wouldnt worry about it hun. Just talk to your doctor. I drank and i didnt know i was pregnant and everything was okay i was scared too but the baby is very small at this time for you so its hard to hurt it. Just talk to your doctor im sure everything is perfectly fine.

    good luck and congratulations!

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