
Freaking out about freshman year?

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okay so I've been going to private and charter schools since 4th grade and i haven't seen any of my friends from my public elementary school for 5 year. I'm going to finally go to a public school and i'm freakin out. I'm really shy and am scared people will pick on me like they did this year. I have a friend, my brother and his friend going there but i know that they won't be much of a help since i don't see them for the whole day. I'm also in the laptop program and i worried people will call me a nerd for that.. could someone please tell me about highschool so i stop freaking out because my brother won't tell me anything!




  1. Dont sweat it. High school is not much to freak out about. Sure its a little unnerving at first, thats true for anybody. It may even be expecially hard coming from a private school. But just keep yourself calm and cool and you'll be fine. There are a ton of other freshmen feeling the same as you. I myself was picked on constantly before entering high school. When high school started I barely ever saw those people. I also made new and better friends during high school. And afraid about being called a nerd? Who cares..Im in band, the perfect target for being called a geek or nerd. Just be proud that your doing something funn and different while everyone else is s******g up their lives with drugs, parties, and just being stupid! so just relax and you'll be just fine! by the first week of high school you'll be excited to just get it over with and graduate! GOOD LUCK!

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