
Freaking out means?can u explain this phrase" freaking out" with different situations and examples????

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Freaking out means?

can u explain this phrase" freaking out" with different situations and examples????




  1. The people I'm around use it to exlain someone getting emotional. It could a be good or bad emotion; and varying strengths...

    She freaked out when she saw her new car.

    He freaked out when he found out his dad died.

    I freak out when I see spider.

    Come to think of it, it's pretty meaningless used this way, but oh well.

  2. You could be, for example, eating something and someone could say - "Look, there's a spider in your sandwich!" and then you'd panic, and they'd laugh and tell you it's a joke, and then you might say "That wasn't funny, I was freaking out!"

    Or someone could say something bad, then they'd say - "It's not that bad, calm down!" and then you'd reply "I can't calm down, I'm freaking out!"

    It's kinda hard to explain, but I hope you got the idea :)

    Also, go here to understand it better...

  3. doing something mad or like that

  4. freakout

    (Slang) the act or an instance of freaking out

    Usage Examples

    Noun used with modifier

    minute: There are extended jams with sing a longs as well as two minute hyper spazzy freakouts.

    noise: Sun Ra always confounded and amused as he dodged between big band covers, noise freakouts and long chanted song cycles and outer-space grooves.


    1. emotional outburst: an outburst of emotion or agitated behavior

    2. drug-induced attack of paranoia: a drug-induced bout of hallucination or paranoia, especially a frightening one


    The freak part comes from a later name for the hippies of the 1960s. Called freaks because of their strange appearance, long hair and anti-establishment dress.

       1. (slang) To react (or cause to react) with extreme anger or fear to something to the extent that one loses one's composure or behaves irrationally; originally, to suffer an unexpected and severe bad reaction from the recreational use of a psychotropic - usually hallucinogenic - drug,

              * 1991, Thelma and Louise (movie)

                    Jimmy'll come in off the road, you won't be there, he'll freak out and call you a hundred thousand times...

        * noun:   a wild delusion (especially one induced by a hallucinogenic drug)

        * verb:   lose one's nerve

    freak (someone) out

    to become very excited or emotional.

    "There was a bomb scare at the school, and parents were freaking out about their kids' safety. Her latest album just freaked me out."

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