The first time it happened, I was about ten years old and I was in bed trying to sleep when I heard the sound of something breathing next to me in my bed. Everything went cold and I was so scared I couldn't move. Eventually I managed to jump out of bed to my parent's room and tell them. I wasn't just the sound, I actually felt like there was something next to me. I couldn't sleep in that room for months, I just had this horrible feeling about, which I'd had since I'd moved in there, like there was someone always watching me. I don't know, maybe it was just my imagination.
Eventually I moved into a different room but the difference was amazing, because I actually felt safe in this room, unlike the other one.(I know it sounds weird)
But then a couple of years later I started to hear the breathing again. Eventually I got used to it and now I'm fourteen and hear it often and sometimes when I bothers me I just will it to stop and it does (sometimes it takes a while.)