
Freaky feeling left by strange dream...interpretations?

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Last night I had a dream that a red-throated hummingbird got into my house somehow. Since he was very fast & fleeting, I tried to find out how he got in, thinking I could lure him back out the same way. I found no open or cracked windows or doors, but when I was outside looking, I saw that I had an overwhelmingly huge flowering shrub of some type, covered with red rose-like flowers. An old lady neighbor drilled me on why I had a hummingbird in the house & warned me, that I should get it out. When I went back in, I found the hummingbird perched on a blind in front of the window and for some reason I thought about my sister, who is fighting cancer. I went to scoop it up and at the last minute it flew to the floor and landed right in between the front two feet of my dog (a white sharpeii/pitbull mix that passed very sadly about 6 months ago) Again, I thought about my sister, as in, she had been through this trying to catch a hummingbird thing before. In between my dogs legs who only looked at it & wagged her tail, the hummingbird did let me scoop it up and for whatever reasons I had a box of ornate and colorful file folders in my arms. I sat the hummingbird on top of these folders and it seemed content to just sit there in between tabs until I could take it outside.

I'm trying to provide as many accurate details as possible, but what has me wondering the significance of the hummingbird being in the house, the surprise of having my passed away pet show up & the 'memories' of my sister having been through something similar. The box, the files, the flowers, the warning & the windows don't bother me, but may mean something.

Any insights, opinions, interpretations would be, as all I can think of is the old wives tale about a bird in the house.

Thanks Folks...Peace




  1. A bird in the house means somebodys going to die soon.

    sorry to hear, this is true btw.

  2. Hi. I will answer this honestly as I see it.

    The old wives tale is that if a bird gets into your house it's a sign of impending death in the household.

    The hummingbird is considered a symbol of transformation and is symbolizing your sister.

    Red is a symbol of love.

    The hummingbird lands in between you dogs paws.. a dog that has passed on. He is protecting her.

    Colorful and ornate file folders..  you are to start or continue a scrapbook on your sister.

    The dream also points out that we continue on.

  3. It seems like you are trying to ground yourself and prepare for the possibility that your sister may die. Seeing your dog shows that she is happy in the afterlife and your sister will be too. The hummingbird (your sister) is content with you and feels safe.  

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