
Freaky thing happened to me today .... any help ??

by  |  earlier

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I was walking in the street to buy something and suddenly i felt this black out like around my eyes on the side this black blob and then i fell... a couple of minuts later i woke up 4getting Where i was... Where i was going and Where i lived.... !! what is that ??? i am 18 ??? alzheimer ? but um too young ???




  1. O god i just asked a similar question awaiting responces !!

  2. You really need to see your doctor about this.  It could be anything from a simple faint to epilepsy or even worse.  Please get checked as soon as possible, your doctor should first check your blood pressure, then arrange for some blood tests and if they're ok then refer you to a specialist for more investigations.  Good luck :)

  3. Are you doing drugs,,,,stop

    Have you been eating regularly,,,,start

    Not getting enough sleep,,,,,go to bed early

    family history of epilepsy,,,go to the dr. you need to find out what is going on asap.

    Chloe RN

  4. I suffer from thyroid problems, and also get symptoms like Senile dementia, or alzheimers. It might be worth asking your doctor if you could possibly have thyroid problems.

  5. do u have epilepcy? sounds like a absent seizure to me, especially with the confusion. maybe get it checked out

  6. you had a black out, maybe your pregnant or your not well

  7. you either fainted or collapsed either way

    tell your doctor and have an eye test if you say a black blob appeared in eye it could be something 2 do with eyesight.

  8. if you have a history os seizures, it could've been some kind of siezure. Go to the E.R. they can run som test, like a catscan, but GO TO THE DOCTOR., Have some test run.A.S.A.P.

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