
Freaky weird stuff that my daughter said..?

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tonight when i was putting my daughter to bed, (Avery 6yrs. old) she told me that she has been hearing a voice in her room at night. she is upstairs by herself in her room, cause we have two bedrooms down stairs and two upstairs. my 2yr old and 1 yr old are in one room down stairs and we are in the other room. she is not the type of kid to tell stories or anything and she seemed very conserned when she told me about it. i asked her what the voice said and she told me that it was a little girl's voice and that it said (Avery was watching TV (Disney channel) at the time the most recent thing happend) "I like this show, let's mess with Avery". So, i asked her what did she do when she heard that, and she said that she started saying her prayers and that the voice then got mean sounding and said "STOP IT, I DON'T LIKE PRAYERS". this house was my mom's before we lived here and the room Avery sleeps in was my mom's. thing is, my mother had severe depression and was scketsophrinic. she did




  1. Something might bother her you should take her to an conselor

  2. Typically psychics and mediums say that would be a good time to spend the night walking around the house telling any spirits to leave and that they are dead.

    I dont think your daughter at that age could make up something so detailed.

  3. omg. that is so scary. i think you should have her sleep with you for a while. maybe think about moving.

  4. Wow that is scary.  Maybe u should tkae her out of the bedroom.  Then if u can have the house blessed.  Kids are very sensitive to supernatural.  Listen to her.  If she is scared then she may have reason....Good luck

  5. For now, you might want to have her sleep with you for a while and it would be a good idea for a priest to come to the house. I've heard of cases like this where they come and say prayers and stuff and have the bad spirits leave. Good luck because that's pretty creepy.

    Or it could be that or something psychological, I've seen both sides.

    You could choose that, or see a psychologist.

  6. please please please tAKe this very seriously..ur kids come first ghosts and spirits are real,.. speacilly if u mom killed herself there. come on .. first start looking for another plac e to move.. and sleep with her

    are u seriously be able to sleep at nite when ur dAUGhter is scared to death n the other room?!!!!!!!!!!!????????

  7. I wou ld take your daughter to her pediatrician and see what (s)he has to say. (s)he might recommend that you take your daughter to a physcologist. Maybe have her sleep in bed with you and your husband for a week or so.

  8. sounds like one of those freak movies...where the spirits talk to kids...

    But i watched a show with sylvia brown and she said "Kids are more intune with the dead, since they are so innocent and dont gnore what they experience."

    You never know maybe its a PHENOMENON...

    then again maybe she had a dream about it...

    Either way  i wish you the take her out of the room if she becomes scared though....

  9. I would keep an eye on her for sure.  If she continues hearing voices you should have her evaluated by a psychologist.  Disorders like schizophrenia can be hereditary. Considering your mother suffered from it I would be much more concerned about that than anything supernatural.  Auditory hallucinations are a red flag.

  10. Have your husband take the children out late one night and walk around your house telling your mom or whoever it is that she needs to leave your children alone.

    I believe kids really can see/hear that stuff. You might want to call in a professional.

  11. well it would be hard to belive that jesus will protect her when she has never herd form him and is hearing voices so why not switch rooms with her or one of your other kids and see if your daughter still hears the voices

  12. It's hard to hear and I'm sorry but Avery may have her own disorder, schizophrenia parnoid schizophrenia. I would take her to a psychologist be for it gets any worse it would only be the right thing to do. Even if this is not so its one cause you can ex out. If this is so it is a very serious thing and great that you are concerned.

  13. well there is mental illness in the family so get her checked by a doctor!!!!  it may help a little more than "blessing" a house!!!  also she is 6 and they have very wild imaginations!!! she may just have an imaginary enemy instead of friend!!!  just get her checked out...praying wont do shiit!

  14. Wow, this sounds really serious, i think you should take her a therapist and have them talk to her about it and they could possibly give her advice of how to deal with it.

    Or maybe you can sleep in her room for a couple of nights.

    I wish you guys luck

    and God Bless

  15. r u achristian? even if ur not, there r no such things as ghosts. but, there r demons. satans army. demons can hurt u. just tell them to leave and pray to God to get rid of them and He will. trust me. ill pray for u.

  16. tell her to ask the voice to go away.

    You can also get your priest in to "clean" the room

  17. I dont know if you want to try this.

    But, contact people who deal with this kind of stuff.

    People who deal with ghosts & spirits.

  18. wow. I think yall should pray, a lot, and maybe it will go away.

    if not you should call someone before it gets really bad.

  19. I would let her sleep in your bed tonight, just so she gets some sleep and she's not scared.-- if it happens again, go to a therapist and they might be able to determine whether its a physocological thing--

    then if it's not go to a priest or something like that.

    best of luck to you and your family.

  20. Well, I wouldn't let your kids sleep alone now! Maybe contact some physics[sp?] about it. Maybe even a priest to bless the house.

  21. dont leave ur daughter alone. and leave the house if possible cause ur mom's or someones soul is still there n not at rest.

  22. Wow thats freaky, sounds like somthing straight out of a horror movie!!

    Just get her out of that house for a while, and stay in her room at night with her.

    Maybe stay at a close friends house for 2 or 3 days

  23. OMG!  You gave me chills!  That is really scary!  I wouldn't let her sleep up there by herself for a while, especially if she's scared.

  24. My mother once told me that satan visited her as a child, I truly believe that he is real and will harass you at any age, please have prayers with your daughter and tell her to keep praying, even if he say's stop. Satan can't stand to hear the name Jesus, keep repeating it. If it were my child she would be sleeping with me until all this was over.

  25. Well you can have your home blessed. Also buy a cross to hang in her room or to have her to wear.  If you want more info just send me a message. There is a cool group that can give you great advice on this kind of thing, If you want a link to it just let me know.

  26. Monitor it. Stay with her in the room for a night and pray with her and see what happens. Have your daughter tell you how often she hears it and stuff. good luck~

  27. Maybe your mom was depressed because of something demonic.  i would move because u dont want anything bad to happen.



    d**n IT!


  29. What she is something we cant see or hear..

    paranormal..maybe..As a native American..In our culture

    we believe that sometimes spirits hang on to the old life..

    Tell fear not..for they cant harm you..dont fear..

    just say out load.."enough...You are not welcome here..

    You will not do any harm..." And then pray in the room..asking our father to protect and guide this spirit out...

  30. Call a good pastor to do deliverance

  31. The problem is, schizophrenia is hereditary. rule that out FIRST, please. I'm not trying to insult, really. If it were my daughter, I would want to rule out medical explanations.

    Other than that, I can't really advise. Expect that I would move, if this continued to be a problem in our lives.

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