
Frech,wi wi? need sum help with it....?

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So im gana be taking French next year...any is it gana be...hard?.....easy?......i just need some people who actually know the language to help me out by telling me how its is and if its useful..




  1. It depends on where you live in order for it to be useful.  I live in Indiana and took four years of French and there is absolutely no use for it here.  I found it pretty easy except when we got to past tense, but everyone is different.  Spanish would be your best bet for a useful second language.

  2. If you can get the accent, you're already a step up on the competition.

    However, the grammar is somewhat difficult, and there's the added complication of nouns having genders. After a little while, though, you learn to play a lot of it by ear.

    But the basic sentence structure isn't too difficult, and if you have any knowledge of Latin roots, the word meanings won't be terribly opaque. It's definitely useful, though:  Many times, I've been travelling in another European country, like Spain or Italy, and although there may not be someone who speaks English, you can usually find someone who speaks French.

    Good luck with learning French!

  3. I would visit this site really covers it all. There is even a chat room but it tells you things like have tapes so you can hear the sound of french everyday to get the accent, watch french movies with subtitles. anyway, go there for great details.

  4. Start with this:  it's oui, oui.  k?  

    It's a lovely language.  The spelling and pronunciation are a bear, so you will have to do a great deal of memorizing.  I found it really easy, because I had already studied Spainsh.  In fact, even now, because I never finished polishing off my French studies with an immersion, I mostly speak Spanish with a French accent, and I get by pretty well...LOL.  

    It is most useful for a couple of things:  travel and work with the Peace Corps, if you get placed in a French-speaking country, and business.  French is the international business language.  So if you are interested in international business, it will surely be an asset.  

    Also, it's really good for showing off with friends who don't know the language.  

    And it's really helpful if you live in a tourist area, as I do.  Lots of tourists come through who need help with language.

  5. you spelled OUI OUI wrong. i speak it fluently and it is a little hard, why do you want to learn it

  6. French is moderately difficult because there are many exceptions to rules, so there is a lot of stuff that you just have to memorize.  

    Perhaps you should study English instead, since I noticed that you can't spell.  If you're going to be in the business world, English would be more useful.

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