
Freckles showing, genotype= FF only?

by Guest33705  |  earlier

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Ok, ive ready in my bio book and heard it from my teacher

Freckles are a dominant trait

non-freckles are recessive trait

so therefore taking into account that dominant traits show and recessive are hidden unless there arent any dominant traits, i can assume the following:

FF and Ff Will have freckles

ff will not have freckles

well, im trying to make a pedigree chart based on real people with/without freckles but just cant simply get it right unless Ff=no freckles

grandma has freckles so she must be either FF or Ff

grandpa has no freckles so he must be ff according to the no freckles recessiveness

their daughter of the above people has no freckles, making me conclude that grandma is Ff, and the daughter marries a man without freckles therefore :

daughter and his husband both ff

but! 2 of their children have freckles!! meaning they must have a dominant F

my question is this: where did that F came from if parents both ff?

my only explanation: Ff=no freck




  1. Either the husband isnt the real dad or you have to be FF  to have freckles, and Ff and ff produce no freckles. I forget the name for this (where only 2 dominant genes produce a specific phenotype, but one dominant and one recessive doesnt), but it DOES exist. sorry i couldnt be more help.

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