
Fred Thompson says being a pow dosn't qualify mc cane to be the pres but it shows character ?

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well what does being a slave for 200 years and then being nominated for president show MR Thompson? and yes i know obama wasn't a slave and he's biracial but lets be real with this pow stuff.he was trying to bomb another country and got cought .that was his duty as an American .isn't it ?




  1.   It shows McCain cares about the United States and in concerned about keeping this a great country. Obama has shown that he does not even respect our country.He does not salute our flag, he takes the Flag off of his plane. Check out his background.He is not the best choice.

  2. Wow, Obama was a slave too.  Your messiah is very old.

    You do know that Obama's father wasn't from american slave ancestry don't you?  and his mother was white?

    But hey, if it makes you feel better, call him a 200 year old slave.  That does undermine the age factor the liberals have been arguing against McCain though.


  3. better not to go there.  It's important to honor those who serve in the military.  It's not a political branch of government.  Our country needs a strong military, even to weather the storms of bad Commanders In Chief, so we are not taken over.  Anyone who volunteers, or even those drafted, serve at the cost of their lives.  

    Mind you, McCain's war service doesn't give him a free pass to be a bad person.  If you look into his policies and his voting record, you'll find a washington insider who's a lot less 'Maverick' than the Republicans would like you to think.  McCain helped legalize torture, for example.

  4. Obama was a slave for 200 years....

    Wow, I thought he was the young candidate in this election.

  5. If it was you in his place when they offered to let you go you would have turned your back on your fellow POWs and saved your own ***

    You would not have last 5 minutes of what he endured for 5 1/2 years

    It takes a true scumbag to belittle what he went through.

  6.   A very small percentage of blacks are descendants of slaves in this country something like less than 10%. Yet you cling to that small percentage and hang your ideological hat on it every chance you get. Now since Obama just thappens to have black skin you are saying that proves he has character?  He doesnt have one drop of slavery in him none not one drop.   John McCain has more character in one drop of his blood than Obama has in a bucketful.------------Americans are sick and tired of people using the color of their skin in attempts to gain our sympathy. And to choose a candidate based on their  skin color is narrow minded and short sighted.

  7. All of this **** is a non-issue. McCain's vetran status and Obama's status as a minority are not issues that matter in this campaign period. They are smokescreens to disguise bigger issues.

  8. You're right... that was his duty... but not as an "American"... as a military man.  After nearly dying during the first week of captivity, he survived 2 years of solitary confinement.  When they offered him a chance to go home, as a propaganda effort... he refused, saying there were other POW's who'd been here longer than he had, and that they should go home first.  When he was then torturned, arms and ribs broken, and asked for the names of other pilots in his squadron, he gave them the names of the Green Bay Packers Offensive linemen.  That shows a depth of character, and sense of humor in the face of unbelievable pain, that few people could match... either then or now!  

    Best not to try to attack his performance as a POW.  He was doing his job, yes... but he did it honorably when many in the same position weren't able to do so.

    As for the slavery issue...  BO has nothing in common with the descendents of slaves except the color of his skin.  He has no ancestors who were slaves...  and even if he did, it would be something that happened to his ancestors... not to him.  John McCain was a POW... He's not the son or grandson or great-grandson of a POW... the torture, the starvation, the mind games, the unbelievable sacrifice he made... that was all John.  He was there.  It's his arms and ribs that were broken, his plane that got shot out of the air, 5 1/2 years of his life that were spent HONORABLY in the Hanoi Hilton, the worst POW camp of them all.

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