
Free Birth Control ? (Canada)?

by Guest57620  |  earlier

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I live in Canada, and cannot get near a Planned Parenthood. My friend told me that you could just walk into a clinic and tell them 'you have too much s*x' and that 'you want to be protected'. I'm not planning on having s*x anytime soon, but my periods are irregular, and you never really know when you're gonna be ready for s*x. Asking my mom is out of the question, but I need to know if you can go into any old clinic and get birth control even if you don't have your 'information' (health card, I.D., etc...)




  1. Yes you can go to a walk in clinic and get free samples from a doctor. You will need your health card however. If your wanting birth control to regulate your periods you should be able to talk to your mom about that.

    You can also go to your family doctor, it will be between you and him/her. You can get free samples there to, and they will already have your health card number on file.

  2. I'm in Canada (born here, lived here 48 years), and there's *no* way to get birth control for any reason without providing your ID and medical information.

    Hormones are presciption only products (controlled substances) and any doctor who prescribed them to you without all of your information could lose his/her license to practice, be fined, and possibly face a criminal prosecution and prison time.

    That said... if you're 13 years of age or over, the doctor who prescribes for you is bound by confidentiality regulations not to talk to your parents about anything unless you're endangering yourself or in need of care (such as surgery or hospitalization) that would require their permission.   All you have to do is tell the doc "I don't want my parents to know about this" andd they have to abide by that.

    FREE pills are another story entirely.  You'd have to prove (in sworn declarations) that you can't afford them (on welfare or living on the street is the usual case) before that would be made available for you.   You want pills, you'll have to buy them (except for a month or two's samples that your doctor can provide)... but at $25/month or so, it's not that expensive a deal.

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