
Free Computer To Charity?

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I have a lovely Desktop PC to give away to a needy Charity/Handicap Organisation. I live in Belfast, N.Ireland but i just do not want to leave it into any charity shop. I prefer to give it to someone who can benefit from PC Skills. Any suggestions.




  1. Do you have a local paper, maybe a freebie? We do, anyway.  You can usually insert a free advert offering stuff like that, specifying who you'd like to have it, and "vet" anyone who asks in due course.

  2. Not all charity shops can accept computers these days, they have to have a qualified electrician to assess its electrical safety. These are expensive and not many shops have them on hand. There are regulations for the disposal of computers, please get in touch with trading standards to see about these.

  3. How about bringing it to your local church, boys/girls club, homeless shelter or where ever and asking the person in charge to give it to a needy person/family.

    Someone brought a sewing machine to our church and the priest gave it to a poor women with Schizophrenia.  This women's life is still very sad, but she sews things for people all the time and it makes her feel that she is also contributing.

  4. Try your locate school

  5. Don't know of any but you will be blessed.

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