
Free Electoral Roll Searching Sites?

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cant find any all want payment upfront or i can get free telephone numbers but im wanting the address, have got the name, road just not what number on the road they life at can i get this any where for free?




  1. UK answer.

    The only place you can view the electoral register on line is on  and that costs, it's quite expensive as far as I know. They have nothing before 2000 either, all electoral registers prior to 2000 are archived I'm afraid.

    You can do a free search of a specific address at the library if you are searching for post 2000, but it is just specific address's you aren't allowed to search through them like you could a few years ago .

    Hope this helps.

  2. they don't exist you have to sign to view the electoral register and its not online for public viewing and i agree its stupid

  3. The online electoral roll is not all its cracked up to be.  I'm surprised more people don't point this out.  There are two editions of the electoral roll - the "commercial" roll that you can buy and view online and is used by marketing companies for junk mail purposes, and the proper "official" roll that is held at the local town hall.  The "commercial" roll is nowhere near complete.  For many years now people have had the opportunity to "opt out" every year in October when the registration form comes through the door.  I opted out about three years ago and have done ever since.  Search as hard as you like, you won't find me.  Lots of other people are the electoral roll equivilent of ex-directory as well.  People should be aware of this before they go out buying credits.

    The only free site closed down about a year ago.  It was called  It ran into legal problems after people realised that the electoral roll they had up was a pre-2000 "full" edition and certain disgruntled people were upset that their information was available for free to every tom d**k and harry and threatened to take the firm to court.  Thus the site just closed down one day without warning.  These days you have to pay, but again, I'll repeat, the online roll for recent years is nowhere near complete.

  4. It's understandable that you should pay - a full INFO disc costs in the region of £300 and staff have to be paid for doing the searches.

    If you have the phone numbers, why don't you just phone them and ask for the house number?

    You could also take a chance on a letter, especially if it isn't too common a surname - even if you get the number wrong, the postman usually gets the letter to the correct house because most of them know their rounds very well,

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