
Free Health care.?

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I would support Obama if it wasnt for his opinion on health care.. Which is why i hope Mckain gets elected, anyone with me? haha.

And say that Obama is elected and we do get free health care, can we the PEOPLE overthrow that decision if it doesnt work out?




  1. I don't understand what you mean by "free health care". It will be paid for with new taxes imposed on an already struggling working class. Don't think for a minute that BO's plans to have the government control nearly aspect of our lives won't come with a high price tag to each and every one of us. In countries throughout the world this is the first step in creating a socialist economic model. It simply will not work within a capitalist system. EVERYONE (not just the wealthy) will have to pay more through taxation for educating and providing benefits for illegal immigrants, creating a larger welfare state and to supply funding for BO's/George Soros' ill-conceived health care debacle. Class warfare is another strategy these miscreants will employ to push their left-wing agenda. I do agree however, that some form of flexible retirement/medical spending plan will have to be implemented to make health care more reasonably priced.

    TO TICKLED: What on earth are you rattling on about? The U.S. does not fund health care for any foreign states. If you mean we (along with the U.N.) share the cost of rebuilding the infrastructure and residences of those caught in the middle of the Iraq conflict, then yes. But that has been our humanitarian policy for many decades.

  2. Free? Free? I just have to chuckle.... no health care is free, someone pays. I just get frustrated that I have to pay for myself and also for others who can't afford it. Unfair.

  3. Yes... In a word...Socialism.

  4. obama all ready refused the americans over in iraq funds  to help them and support the americans but refused he is all ready s******g up

    just to remind you there is free health care to all the spainsh people that are not legal in the usa and foodstamps in fake i.d. medicaid every thing is free for them

  5. does any Republican pay for their health care... or have any idea how much it costs?

    clearly not...

    it's a tremendous burden on companies... much more so than taxes, that Republicans revere so much...

    and also, if you look at the rankings... industrialized nations pretty much beat the U.S. in every category... while paying about half as much per-person on average...

    you ever notice that all people who "dislike" socialized health care have are horror stories?

    I can give you a huge list of U.S. horror stories too... every health care system has horror stories... that means nothing...

    it's the facts that mean something...

  6. interesting. Do you realize we are currently giving free universal healthcare to Iraqi citizens--paid for by US tax dollars--but for some reason it isn't good enough for US citizens.

    I think you simply haven't ever had to choose between your mortgage payment and your diabetic test strips. Hopefully you never will have to choose, but 40 million americans do.
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