
Free Massage?

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Is it wrong to accept free massage from a licensed massage therapist?

This man is my nephew-in-law. He is staying with me right now because economically it is cheaper for him and his mom (sis-in-law) begged me. He says that every hour of body work is counted. He is very professional and very good. I am having shoulder pain and he helped it last night.

The only money I spend is on the lotion. He talked me into some kind of expensive lotion the school recommended.




  1. That is a cool deal but it would be nice of you to pay it back in some way as you have mentioned.  A gift, gift certificate, out for dinner, you get the idea.

  2. He apparantly wants to help you. It is normal for professionals to exchange services. What do you have to exchange? Can you cook? Sew? Offer him something he might enjoy, to make it an even energy exchange. When you do an exchange you must consider his "hourly rate" in exchange for anything you offer. For example, if you offer cooking, you might need to make several meals to exchange for his one hour of massage. Talk to him to discover together what will work for you both. Talking is normal barter conversation. Just make sure neither party is resentful, and both are OK with barter rate. I am sure you have a lot to offer. Don't take his massages for "free". It will only make you feel guilty.

  3. I don't see anything wrong with a massage here and there.

    You are helping him with a place to live right now and he really needs help with building his hours up. Why don't you trade things like doing a load of laundry for him or preparing his favorite meal, anything like that helps a guy out, especially if they are just starting out on "their own".

    You better take advantage of the massages now, once he has all of his hours in and is a "professional" I'm sure his fee will go up a bit! lol

  4. If I were you, I would count my blessings and

    accept this gift for as long as you can have it.

    You will surely be getting spoiled and will

    miss him when he leaves.

  5. As long as it is non sexual....ENJOY.....I am sooooooo
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