
Free SMS messages on the web?

by  |  earlier

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where on the web can I send free SMS message to mobile phones. I don't want to download anything, signup to anything, just type the message and number and send. thanks




  1. The website I'm listing has been very helpful to me.  With the email address formats at the bottom of this page, I just use my web mail to send text messages.

    I don't think there is a universal SMS messaging service that covers all wireless service providers which will just allow you to put in the number only and have it send automatically.

    You'll have to find out what service provider the phone number has on a case-by-case basis, and that usually takes some Google researching or asking the person you want to contact.

  2. Thanks for asking this, I've always wanted to know too.  

  3. nothing in this world is free! i was tricked over the internet trying to do exactly what your tryin to do and ended up payin summat like 4.50 a week! lol. i changed my number in the end!

  4. you can find that on any carriers website

    you have to know what company they are with

    for example, in canada, if your friend is with rogers wireless then you can go to and type in their number and send a message

    or if they are with telus, you can go to the telus website and find the same feature.

    this is the most reliable way, but you must know what company they are with.

  5. I use this site, You have to be patience as it does get busy.

    Hope this helps!!

  6. Has nobody heard of Google?


      but  3  in a day i think


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