
Free Sparring in Aikido?

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How much free sparring is invloved in Aikido? Fighting and Training Methods for Unarmed Martial Artists




  1. Free sparring practically does not exist in Aikido.  There are some random dojos that spar, but they are very few and far between.

  2. not sure why you posted the link, but the general reputation of the AVERAGE aikido dojo is that they train with "compliant ukes who practically throw themselves".

    this is not resistance this is called "dancing" not fighting- ballroom 101 is down the hall.

    if there is no resistance training, there is certainly no free sparring as free sparring inherently implies that the person bieng hit doesn't want to be hit (grabbed, stabbed, submitted, probed, etc.).

    that doesn't mean there isn't an aikido dojo out there that trains with resistance, but I for one have better things to do with my spare time than walk the earth like a hippie david carradine in kung fu searching for legitimate dojos so I can catalog them and hope fox does an expose on me when I'm picked up for mopery in the bible belt.

    (admit it- he didn't wear shoes HE WAS A FREAKING HIPPIE!)

  3. I would have to agree with most of the posts here.  Sparring in aikido IS very much like ballroom dancing (except you get a better workout in ballroom dancing).  If uke's don't comply with the nage, despite how poor the technique, it is a major aikido no-no,.  Dont' get me wrong, with the right kind of training, aikido is very effective, but let's face it, most aikido dojos don't train for combat, but for more of a spiritual/ritualistic experience. I also don't care for the dojo politics imposed by the senior, "intellectual", liberal aikidokas.

  4. Hi there

    I love this question it seems to pop up so much on here. That's one of the main problems of the Internet. Someone puts something out there and its taken for gospel.

    How much free sparring is involved in Aikido?

    This really does depend on the style. If its Aikido that's based around the old koryu schools of Japan then probably not that much. However if its Tomiki aikido then quite a lot as this style is more sports based so there is plenty of randori involved.

    As for compliant partners well that depends on where you are with your training so to speak. For some bag work and rolling around on the floor constitutes martial arts. For others it does not. I don't train in Aikido but i can tell you if i didn't train with experienced ukes i would have gone through quite a few over the years. Its a simple fact that you cant throw someone over your shoulder just by using their head unless its done in a controlled safe manner. Yes resistance is important but so is learning. Afterall thats why we attend class in the first place.

    Aikido is not boxing, kickboxing or any other dynamic striking art. If an art is to be compared then its got to be like for like. So comparing it to jujustu would be more appropriate.

    People train differently. Some people simply don't see what others do. Dont take what you read on here with any seriousness. If you want to know for sure what works and what doesnt then go out and train in a few of them.

    Best wishes


  5. There are some select styles and schools that practice randori, but many do not. I'd say it depends what style(s) we're talking about, as well as school.

  6. Aikido came about because morehei had a vision in his garden, just like that vision any resistant sparing in Aikido is also imaginary

  7. Join a Judo club. We train for competition, not for demonstration.

  8. aikido does not have any sparring as they do not have any contact by definition there is no sparring.  There is such a thing as free excercise or jiu waza.  basically it means that the attacker can use any attack of his choosing to which you can reply in any way you choose.

    sometimes this is even performed agains a group of opponents which is called randori.

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