
Free air and tune ups You think this in the future

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No drill Pelosi And Obama feel this can save the world




  1. TOS answer: Yes, it is the future.  It's a good idea to keep your tires properly inflated and get regular tune-ups for your car.

    Repubs who continue to mock Obama's common-sense suggestions for conservation simply prove how out of touch they are and that they cannot be trusted to solve the major problems facing our nation.

    Why are Repubs so afraid of conservation?

  2. ....there is no plan that doesn't involve drilling like they act......they want no nuklear saying it will take to long for the power plants to come online they want no drilling because it will take to long to come online how does that make any sence.......because the alternatives will take jsut as long if not longer to come online than nukeular and oil drilling will so their argument aginst drilling and nukeulear is kind of weak

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