
Free dental treatment in uk?

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uk only ~~~~~i just had a baby 3 weeks ago and 4 weeks ago my tooth fell out and i was given a false tooth until i can get a crown put in- they dont have any apoints til end of nov as new dentist just opened. i wasnt charged coz i just had baby, however i lost the false tooth and i am now beinjg charged £175 for private fee for replacement. is this correct? is it coz i lost the other 1 or should this one be free also? i get £460 a month maternity pay and cannot afford this so have had no choice not to get another - its my front tooth so has really shattered my confidence.




  1. It's horrible to think the dentist would take advantage of someone, esp with a baby, and try to get paid twice!!!! Def speak to another dentist

  2. you should have free health care until your child turns prescriptions and dental treatment.if you go to an emergency dental hospital they may help you there!good luck

  3. hi joanne you are entitled to free care until your child is one year old , change your dentist , do they know you just had a baby,??x

  4. it should of been free, its free until your baby is one year old.

  5. I believe it should have been free. If prob try and change your dentist.

  6. Yes it is correct did you loose it ?

    This happened to my mum but she saved the tooth that fell out and they put it back she was told if she didn't have the tooth to replace back she also would be charged and shes 63

  7. You are entitled to free treatment a full year after giving birth, ask them why they are charging you, I'm not sure exactly what is covered as regards NHS treatment for replacing the temporary false tooth though. Try explaining to them you can't afford to pay for it and see if they can give you an appointment earlier, offer to give them your mobile number, since you're off work you'd be able to attend at short notice and ask them to ring if there's a cancellation or someone doesn't turn up for their appointment, that way you could just get the crown done and not need another false one.

    If you explain things they can be understanding, when I was pregnant I had no dentist and I had to attend my partners one as an emergency patient, the bill was £300 and I couldn't afford it but explained and they let me pay it off over a few months ( they weren't taking on NHS patients so I've now registered with an NHS one but the closest one I could get was an hour away)

  8. it should be free but maybe because you LOST it so they are saying they fixed the problem for free you are responsible for sorting it are entitled to free treatment for a year after giving birth so if i were you I would register at another dentist presenting your lack of tooth problem and see if they will fix it- dont mention your problem with having it fixed before just say you changed dentists as this new one is more convenient or something and explain you have had a baby so exempt from paying and then as them to sort the tooth. good luck!

  9. i'm pretty sure that the treatment should be free. I'd look for another dentist in the area, or try contacting NHS Direct (0845 4647), they should be able to help you.

      When my daughter was born, I had 3 fillings done - which they charged me for despite having taken my exemption details. I contacted the NHS and told them - and they said that the dentist was being paid TWICE for my treatment! They provided a refund and took the necessary action.

    Don't let them take advantage, free dental treatment is your right.

  10. sometimes NHS dentist do charge but i would check it out still, if not tell them that you cannot afford to pay in one installment. They may ask for so much per month.

    your lucky i can't even get into a NHS dentist since my dentist went private last year. I'm pregnant and just paid £600 today at the dentist for 2 front crowns plus £10 per month dental plan!

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