
Free dental treatment when pregnant-Mat b1 form??

by  |  earlier

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Hi, i know that when you are pregnant, you are entitled to free dental care,and that you need the form Mat b1, but when can you actually get the form? I am 7 weeks pregnant now, and have my booking appointment in just over a week, and a dentist check up a few days after that. Will i get a Mat b1 form at my booking appointment, or do i have to wait til i am further along in my pregnancy? (ill be nearly 9 weeks at my booking app)




  1. when you see your midwife for your first appointment she will do some paper work with you and one of the forms that you will sign will be for the exemption form so you can get free medical drugs and dental..

    your mat b 1 she wont give you until your about 20weeks + as this is for your employer so they know that you are pregnant and it will have all your dates on. like when you are due and when you intend to leave work for maternity leave!! so dont worry about it all your midwife will sort it all out for you when you see her..  

  2. i believe that is the one your midwife gives you. i think i got mine when i was about 3 months pregnant but i missed a few appointments so that's probably why it was so late. ring her and ask her about it.

  3. The midwife will give you the matb1 at 20 weeks.

  4. just go to ur doctors and ask at the reception then they get a doctor or midwife to sign it and they send it away for you

  5. Your midwife will more than likely have one honey. I got all the forms that I needed from the midwife x

  6. you don't need the matb1 form for your free dental treatment, your matb1 form is for your employer for your maternity pay nothing else, also you will ahve to wait till your 20 weeks along for the Matb1 form, they wont give you it beforehand incase something happens. #

    what you need is a maternity exemption form from your midwife, that they fill out then you have to send it off and you get your maternity exemption card in the post about 2 weeks later.

    I had to go to the dentist before I got mine and I just took some evidence that I was pregnant (scan pic if you have one with your name on) or a letter from the hospital) and told them I was waiting for my exemption card and they were happy with this noted it on my file that I wa pregnant and I didn't have to pay.  

  7. Yes you need to get this from the midwife as I believe they have to fill in part.

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