
Free hugs from teens?

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ok well if you have ever seem the video on youtube about the hugs campain i need your acvice. me and about 4 of my friends want to go to the mall and sit there giving out free hugs just for fun and to help cheer up people who need it. The problem is we are only 13-15. So could we get into any trouble? If any of you were walking in the mall and saw some young teens giving out hugs would you hug them? Could the cops kick us out and call our parents? Im not fermiliar with all the laws so please help me out!!!!! here is the link to the video




  1. Wow, sounds awesome. I live on hugs from my friends and family. However.....

    I'm thinking that giving hugs to large numbers of strangers at the mall could be destined to cause trouble. Your parents could be bothered or concerned by this. There is always going to be some unsavory people that would get the wrong kind of enjoyment from the physical contact. There are also always going to be people that will see it happening and have a problem with it for one reason or another. I have no idea on how the mall security or mall management might view this. I'm certain that you should get prior permission from the mall for this sort of public activity.

    These are just my opinions, but I would recommend that you think about some other way to share love and kindness. Perhaps you could hold the door for people or wish everyone you meet a wonderful day or hand out smiley face stickers. Helping that short lady reach something on the top shelf is one of my personal favorites. Small kindnesses go a long long way these days. Often a nice smile and a kind word make all the difference.

    Timothy D.

    West Melbourne, FL

  2. i wouldn't recommend tryin it....i mean it sounds like an awesome idea it's just they probably would end up kicking you out! but try and find an organization close to your cause and raise money for that! that way if they ask if your harrassing people you can say it's for charity!

  3. If I was one of your parents I'd be worried! Lots of strange and perverted people out there, sorry to tell you that but it's true. If something gets ugly, what would you do?

    Why not do it at your school? You could talk to yopur principal and do it one lunchtime or when people come in the front gate. There'd be teachers around to make sure it didn't get too creepy as well.

  4. go for it ..make a sign.

  5. I say just go for it; hold up signs, smile, wave, dance, and people will come to you. You aren't likely to get any trouble in a crowded place (that's where all the hugs are anyway). Just make sure you're in a group and don't take any c**p. If the authorities ask you to leave, chant "FREE HUGS!" all the way out the door. Then either find another place, petition, or go above the local authorities. Make it fun and make people happy. Just remember, some people just don't want to be touched or hugged, so respect that.

    Check out this site and the contact info. They should be able to answer all of your questions if you contact them.

    For more inspiration, as well as some things not to do. Some of the videos show people pushing signs in people's faces and trying to hug people that don't want a hug.

    Hugs from Randall, American in China

  6. I think it is fine as long as you have signs up but maybe call centre management first. Or you could just do it outside the mall :p

  7. Take some acting classes with an actor coach and practice it before you go to the mall
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