my officemate was emailed that he won 2,000,000 pounds in the free lotto. he told me he joined the free lotto a few months ago. but i was doubtful. i know that there are many scams out there. i advised him not to give any personal information especially credit card and account numbers if ever they asked. he agreed. he was doubtful also of course.
then he told me to compose a letter to the person who emailed him that he won, if how can we be sure if what they emailed was true. and how to claim it. we thought they will never reply because it was just a scam. but today, they emailed back, sending a claim form that my officemate would fill up. now he's here beside me filling up the form
i already checked the net for free lotto scams and i found some on the net. but they didn't say it's still a scam when they reply.
i don't know what to tell my office mate. i just advise him not to get his hopes up.
is this true???