
Free or Low Cost Animal Veterinary Care?

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I took in an abandoned pup over the weekend, at first he appeared fine but in the days after I realized he was covered in fleas, and I think he's either allergic to the flea bites or has a skin condition - I really want to keep him and as I already own a cat I fully realize pets are many committments, financially is one of them which is no problem but just this month is exceptional for me, so I'm wondering if anyone knows of anywhere I could go to get him looked at for free or for a donation or a lower fee than most vets have been quoting me - I've gotten alot of hassle from people saying I shouldn't keep him if I can't afford him - which isn't true I can in the long term just I'd rather get him fixed up fast for his sake than to have to wait until I can afford a proper vet - I know im america where I'm from animal shelters will take care of an abandoned animal you've taken in and will home for a donation or a low cost fee as they're happy you rehomed it can anyone please tell me of where in IRELAND something like this may exist if even at all?? I'm not worried about neutering yet just some basics for his skin and overall condition - thanks for any genuine help I get and of course all the points go to the best answer!!




  1. Erm i'm not sure if you do get the PDSA in Ireland? There could possibly be other societys that could help. Alternatively you could negotiate with a vet about your financial situation. So that you can pay back a little at a time.

  2. In 2005 the first Irish PDSA (People's Dispensary for Sick Animals) was opened in Belfast, I don't know if any others have been opened since but this may help. I realise this may be inconvenient for where you live but if it is at all possible to get the little pup there it may be the best option for you. Here is some more information about the PDSA, I hope the little chap gets better soon :)

  3. In England we have the PDSA and Dogs Trust. Both of these organisations provide very cheap or free veterinary care, if you are on benefits. Check up on these organisations as they are possibly also in Ireland. You could also phone rescue centres and ask for help. Phone the local vets  and ask if they will spread the payments or you could use a credit card.

  4. THE  PDSA is a great organisation, i am not sure about places in IRELAND,but if you contact the  RSPCA they will be able to advise you.ter usaed to be an org. called BLUE CROSS. Try that on GOOGLE, you never know you may be lucky.  

  5. Hey there, i'm from Donegal :)

    God bless you for taking in the wee mite. Up where I am, we have a rescue centre near us called the Rainbow Rehoming Centre (it's in Derry) And as far as I know, they do reduced cost vet care for exceptionasl cases such as this. But not knowing which part of the country your in, I don't know if thats much help!

    best of luck

  6. Are there petsmarts in Ireland? If so Banfield pet hospitals are great!

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