
Free puppies online, is it legit?

by  |  earlier

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i was browsing online and i stumbled upon some sites advertising free puppies and all u have to pay is the shipping (most of these people are far and have to fly the pup out to where ever i am) I just find it so hard to believe that so many people would give them away like this... its i really hope this is safe because i really have my heart set on getting a puppy, but if anyone knows... how are these transactions made? what to look for?




  1. They just recently did a story on this on our local news network.  It is a scam.  You send the money for the shipping costs which is pretty high and never hear back from them.

    Keep away from them.

  2. It's legal but totally unethical and very unwise to buy. Will cause you heartache and big expenses at the vet.

  3. Even if it wasn't a scam, which it is, you have to meet the puppy in person to make sure it's a good match for you; after all, you'll be committed to it for over 10 years (more if it's a small breed).  Go to a shelter; they have all kinds of puppies who need good homes.

  4. HUGE scam.  Stay far away.

  5. BIg Big Big scam!!!!!!

  6. I wouldn't do it.  It is better to be able to go and pick the puppy up yourself.

  7. I don't know... but I want to know about this... I'm getting a puppy soon.

  8. something screams..SCAM.  glad that you asked this question on here before you made any actions.  never buy puppies from online, they are scammers.  they will just take your money and you wont hear from them again.  watch out.

  9. There's a website in my town, where everyone I know goes too find a dog, puppy, etc. And these scamers are on there for Free English Bulldogs. I swear the post an add everyday, all they ask is for a shipping fee. And its always the same person. There was an add recently about free monkeys. And you would email the person, its a gmail email, all the time, and they would make up an eexcuse like, iI'man airplane flight aattendant and i need a small shipping fee or 700 dollars. Dont do it its a scam.  

  10. Its A SCAM

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