
Free range chocolate!?

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Does anyone know where I can get chocolate with milk from free range cows?




  1. try a one of those lil farm market places

  2. There are a number of great chocolateries making chocolate from cows not affected by Rbht (the hormone additives) and free range cows. I don't know where to score these online, but if you live near a Trader Joes or Whole Foods you'll find plenty of choices.

  3. A growing number of people are looking to "free range" as an alternative. "Free range" conveys a positive image of animals living outdoors as nature intended. Historically, the term range means, in addition to living outside and getting exercise, the animals are able to sustain themselves on the land on which they are living.

    Here Are 4 Sources For You To Check out. Best Of Luck!

    Chocolate Cow Milk

    Enjoy Savings & Selection On Chocolate Cow Milk.

    Chocolate Cow Milk

    Price Compare chocolate cow milk. You want it, we got it.

    How Much Estrogen is in Cow Milk

    Free 30-day HGH samples - Just $9.95 S&H - 25K customers since 1998.

    Free Milk Chocolate

    Save on free milk chocolate. Shop and Compare from 5000+ Stores.
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