
Free running/parkour confidence issues help..?

by  |  earlier

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i love running and am very athletic and have been practicing free running a lot as of now, but i still have confidence issues. i know my body can handle it but my mind slows me down. Do you have any tips on building up confidence for free running, or more confidence in anything for that matter?




  1. I suggest you go to a sports counselor. I can advice so much but sports councilor can explain more. I have undergone sports counseling when i was in college. Why? because I'm an athlete. This helps you to build mental toughness. They have so many kinds of exercise that helps build confidence. Example of which is Yoga. So you can do yoga also if you know how to do it. If not, seek for somebody who can. I hope this advice could help you with your problem.

    please visit:    

  2. i know how you feel, try mastering the stuff you already know how to do. that's what i did, and when i did i felt much better about what i could do.

    Slowly move on up, slowly start doing more risky things and trying new stuff out. Don't get ahead of yourself, in time everything will come.

    Look at what you can do and appreciate that not many other people will or can do what you do.  

  3. this applies for any riskey thing really

    but take it a step at a time, do somthing small and then try somthing just a little bit more riskey after you have mastered the previous task. That way it gives you a sense of achivement and will greatly add to your confidence.

    Also try ad do it with people that are the same level as you, If they are to good you will be unconfident as you will think you wont be able to do the hard stuff staright away. if they arn as good aas you you wont try the harder things as you will automatically think that you are alot better and therefor mentally wont need to practice the slightly harder moves

    hope this helped mate

    good luck:)

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