
Free <span title="Ipods???????????????????????">Ipods????????????????????...</span>

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know where I can get a Free Ipod where I don't have to complete offfers(Silver Offers,Gold Offers,exc.....) I want a new Ipod for school but I don't have enough money for a new one so I was looking for a Free Ipod




  1. Well you have to work to get somebody, nobody's going to give you something for "free" and they used their own money to get something for you? Not gonna happen. Ask for them on your birthday, Christmas, or SAVE UP!

    Another way, is to use Prizerebel, which in my opinion is much easier than asking for iPods because

    Nobody's going to give you one

    Go to:
    Sign up and do offers and then redeem your points! It's simple and easy. I have SEEN people get more than one iPods. Give it a try!

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