
Free tennis courts?

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How do I find out about free public tennis courts? I've tried town/city rec dept websites with no luck. School websites don't list that information either. Any other suggestions?




  1. has a pretty good list of tennis courts in any given area.

    Go to  In the top right of the page, you'll have something for choosing your section.  Choose the general section of the U.S. your looking in, and then go to the top right corner of the screen again.  There will be a "Help me find..." section.   Choose "a court" in this section.

    That's what I do when I go someplace new, hope it helps!

  2. go to ur nearest high school and they should have atleast 1 court somewhere, otherwise try another high school.

    If still no luck, go to and click on find a court. Its on the left side where it says find a partner, court, etc.

    ur best bet are schools, usually middle and high.

    Good luck

  3. Most high schools will have a set of courts, though I can't guarantee the condition they'll be in.  And if they are a public school, then the courts are public courts.  Not quite sure how it works with private schools.  Just don't go jumping fences to get onto the school grounds.  To make sure they have courts, either call or just drive out to the schools to look.

    Another good place to check would be public pools.  I know that a couple of our local pools have a few courts in the vicinity.

  4. Schools should allow you to play when the school is not in session so the evenings and weekends they should have no problems.

    You can also try google maps and locate public parks around your house. Then zoom in and look for tennis courts around there. That's what I do.

  5. I never asked if high school courts were public, if school was out, and the school's team wasn't on the court, I just assumed they were free for the taking.

    Better to ask forgiveness than be denied for asking for permission.
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