
Free thing on the web?

by Guest64759  |  earlier

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is there any such thing?!?

free with out doing ads or surveys


so is there any websites that give out real things with out a credit card or any personal information if so; please share..




  1. If you are looking for away to make money online there are a number of free promotional methods. However, you will need to learn how to set up and run a marketing campaign to succeed. So the answer to your question is yes and no. I personally use the free methods of promotion but I joined an online marketing training program and went through an intense two month course to learn how to market on the web. It cost me 29.95 per month. I believe the price today is 39/month. This is probably not for you because you sound determined not to spend any money ever. This is for you information. You can contact me anytime if you want to learn more about this opportunity. I wrote an article on it and I will give you the link if you are interested.

  2. Just visit Twisted Branches and I believe you’ll be pleasantly surprised. All the freebies listed on their site are 100% free and you'll find all kinds of free stuff. You will never have to pay anything. No shipping, no handling, not even the cost of a postage stamp, and there is never a hassle to sign up for any of the offers they list either.  Twisted Branches has so many free offers listed that you can literally spend days there just signing up for everything.

    There are a lot of so-called “Free” things advertised on the Internet that aren’t exactly free, and then there’s the big hassle of trying to sign up for something and going through pages and pages of questions and answers just to get some little something for free. Gee…by the time you get through the first few pages, you’ve already forgotten what you’re signing up for. Not so at Twisted Branches! They even have an article on "Guide to Making the Life of a Freebie Junkie Easier," posted on their forum to help you get started signing up for free stuff. Once you read this article and get set up, it’s just a matter of signing up for your free stuff and before you know it, your mail box will start filling up with all kinds of goodies.

    Here's a link to their site:

    And here’s a link to that article if you want to check it out:

    Hope this helps!

  3. Your question doesn't really make sense.  

    However, like most of things in life you have to spend to get something for free.

    I hope this answers your question
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